Homeless foreigners on the rise in Thailand

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The idyllic beaches of Thailand have long attracted tourists from all around the world. But the dream has turned sour for some foreigners in this popular Southeast Asian destination. A growing number of foreigners are finding themselves homeless, trapped in a foreign country and unable to go home.


@louis20122 13-04-2024 12:09
If I live in a nice condo in Thailand, I don't mind to invite him in and support him temporarily.
@CaesarCassius 02-10-2022 17:57
It looks like these Reject Creep Foreigners are getting their comeuppance. We know what they were up to all along: Off to the passport office and take a airplane overseas to a third world country where women in impoverished circumstances are desperate enough to be taken by any Rejected Creep from the USA who has even a mediocre bank account. This time they have the maths right: One American dollar is worth nearly Forty Thailand Dollars, so with even just $26000 in savings over here, they are an instant chamillionaire the second they step off the airplane over there.

Sadly the Thai and Philipina women know they will have to degrade themselves cooking, cleaning and giving their bodies for men who would be rated as losers over here in exchange for basic human rights such as food, clothing and shelter, along with the pressure to get money to support her family too, but Passport Bros will convince himself he has a "traditional woman" who really loves him for him LOL

The reason why Mr Zoom To Thailand gave that nervous laugh when El said she might want to visit America is because he knows that once she gets here, she intends to stay, get herself access to opportunities and educational services in a first world country, social security and a support networky whereby she will leave his dusty butt for a wealthier younger man or at least someone she's actaully compatible with to be in a proper relationship with, rather than housemaid/sex slave.

Passport Bros are not just pathetic, but they are outright suspect, it's once step away from how slave masters exploited black women back in the day, and just as evil.
@Kryssthealien 02-10-2022 14:32
So this dude come from the top 5 country in the world to be a burden to the Thai people? All he needed was to make sure that when he was down to few hundred pounds, he buy a ticket and fly home!!! A financial adviser who wait to have less than £500 to react!!! Either he got mental problem or He's an asshole...
@Iworkwithnitwits 25-08-2022 21:34
He should go to the British embassy and needs to call someone back home to get an airline ticket which he should pay back once he gets situated back home.
@KrisTreu 12-06-2022 06:46
I met a Canadian who just didn't wanna go home, even though he knew he had to. No visa, borrowing money, and living from day-to-day. For these people, going "home" to nothing is worse than sleeping on the street in a warm, friendly country.
@macpony2571780 16-05-2022 15:16
I bet he was a college graduate' I'm so happy that I learned a trade instead of going to college after my navy enlistment; now I'm enjoying a comfortable retirement in Costa Rica where the women are just as beautiful.
@UTCM 04-05-2022 10:06
There are not that many here
@nicholas8997 14-02-2022 16:23
hahahahhaaahahahahahahahaaah lol
@cezzanne490 01-12-2021 14:31
When foreign men had no more money the thai women dumped them?.....so sad
@felicialartey8865 23-11-2021 14:53
I would help him and pay a ticket back to Uk remember Thai help Thai farang help farang
@haley-and_gaming6371 12-09-2021 21:49
I'm confused how does this happen, can't the uk or us embassy issue a new passport to go back home ??
@youtuber6185 28-08-2021 17:22
If I was the Thai govt I'd put him on a flight and ban his return. But on the other hand, its not their responsibility. Honestly, if I lived there and got tired of seeing him, I'd just pay for his flight so I didn't have to walk past him every day. I'm weird right?
@camae62 25-07-2021 19:33
Spend their last penny on prostitute.
@camae62 25-07-2021 19:32
Spend all their last penny on prostitute.
@brianvoigt8894 28-04-2021 07:55
Hes got no friends to get him a flight home.?? Sounds like he is not being honest here
@fegalincolegne1161 23-04-2021 01:13
white ppl are worshipped everywhere they go
@OleLeik 04-02-2021 10:16
The biggest threat to your happiness and security in Thailand is your self. . If you show stupidity, weakness, or vulnerability, peoplewill ride a horse and cart over you. That's as sure as night follows day. Thailand is full of people who have trapped themselves in this country. For what ever reason they have fuc*ed themselves up, burned their bridges back home and now don't have the will, flexibility or the abiliy to get up and go. They end up bitter and twisted, and normally they will blame everybody but themselves. The fact of the matter is, it is their fault. It was a series of decisions that they made that brought them to this point in their life.
@jasonkeys5940 10-01-2021 21:53
A lot of British ppl travel broke. What?????
@cincocinco7159 07-01-2021 16:55
serve u right. think before coming to thailand, law of the jungle. no money no honey, man. use ur brain. no help u take care
@jeremycbarnhart2305 07-01-2021 11:42
The question is - What would being in the USA or CANADA bring. worse worse worse.
He COULD grow faster in that country by leaps and bounds.
If OVERNIGHT they appeaeared in CAD or USD, they would suffer desperately!!!

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