Dr. Phil Guest Starts Trouble During Commercial Break

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A guest accuses Dr. Phil of making a fool out of him during a commercial break. Airs Feb. 8th.


@Stickdeep 13-03-2025 08:15
Crazy thing Dr Phil gave more credulity to Bumfights and it's creator then anything else !!!!
@honotron 25-02-2025 05:24
2:19 TRUTH
@traceford4904 16-02-2025 08:19
Per usual Dr. Phils flying monkey applauding anything he says.
@ChadAV69 06-02-2025 06:09
That guy is a legend. Completely owned Phil
@prezidenttrump5171 04-02-2025 17:00
People are defending the guy going around flashing people, LOL! DEMENTED SOCIETY!
@chaboi7 24-01-2025 23:29
The guy was right about dr Phil
@ArabianOak 16-01-2025 04:34
Dr Phil has helped a single soul other than his own.
@BOC-s3t 15-01-2025 19:12
If it's a behaviour then there is a cognitive process behind it! Cognitive processes can be analyzed and examined.
@lilmoth227 02-01-2025 06:28
Lol the title is legit gaslighting. The guest didn't start any trouble, Dr Phil was. No wonder his comments are always turned off.
@MattsGamblingSlots 17-12-2024 05:46
I wish a lot of former clients of those so called normie dating coaches would stand up to their former coaches and expose them
@seniority-exe 15-12-2024 01:27
Dr Phil is such a coward
@emjay2045 10-12-2024 16:06
Phil McGraw is a fake doctor anyway. 😂🤣. This “show” is a Bleepin Joke. Where’s Maury ? Now that’s REAL 💩
@KevinShipe-tr2uk 07-12-2024 23:36
Dr Phil does not help people at all
@susansmith298 30-11-2024 18:47
Thomas is a guy and don't ever want to meet. Obnoxious and rude! He knew what was going to happen....doesn't look like he wants help at all. 😮
@ImlDRFWY 28-11-2024 21:02
2:14. Exactly.
@nancynelson8862 24-11-2024 02:58
Unless you have lived with something, you don't know what is physically and emotionally like. You can read as many big books as you want want. The person knows how it really feels
@Adz2kill 23-11-2024 10:43
Is this the guy that flashed women?
@CameronBlevins-ev9ld 23-11-2024 06:18
2:16 He Kinda Has A Good Point
@missymarie2698 21-11-2024 20:02
Wow, who woulda thunk an assaulter would have the upper hand in this.
@jessezabolotny7941 17-11-2024 13:40
Arguing w dr phill is like a petty girlfriend

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