DUNA TV Michelangelo Naddeo, interjú, Magyar Őshaza

54252   220   75
http://www.michelangelo.cnmagyar honfoglalás magyar rovásírás magyar régészet művészet vallás székelyföld ujgur uyghur uygur magyar tudományos akadémia szent korona


@andraszahonyi9917 15-09-2022 09:54
Naddeo parla bene... La scrittura etrusca é molto importanta.
@kovacsv7022 30-04-2022 07:23
Grande Michelangelo Naddeo - Mille Gracie - Salve , Mrs. Szabó & Mr. Kovács
@jancikollarik8176 23-04-2016 09:45
This is really sad. some cheeky old basterd realized that he can make living out of abusing Magyar mentality of self greatness.
@sadoruc745 05-04-2016 00:03
hun-ok, magyer-ok bizdede var ok oğuzlar boz-ok , üç-ok
@almosgyorik2461 26-02-2015 21:32
 "A Magyarok nem voltak hunok,akik a magyarok legnagyobb ellenségei voltak"
Anonymus Árpád fejedelmünkről mégis úgy írt mint Attila hun király leszármazottjáról.
Mégis hogy van ez?
@martonkerekes8560 06-01-2015 14:06
Emberek! Naddeo egy ELEKTROMÉRNÖK! Hat év "kutatás" után 4 könyvet írt. Gratulálok, ezt egy valódi tudós sem csinálja utána. (Mert ők valóban kutatnak.) Ha humánbiológusok fognak könyvet írni az elektromosságról, az ugyanilyen vicces dolog lesz!
@martonkerekes8560 06-01-2015 13:54
Michelangelo Naddeo is an ELECTRONIC ENGINEER! Six years of "research", 4 books! Congratulations, no one of the real scientists can do the same! (Because they are really researching.) If the human biologists will write books about electricity that will be a same funny thing like this!
@kovacsandras59 01-01-1970 00:00
Grazie Signor Naddeo! Lei siete un grande uomo per noi.
@szaboservices 01-01-1970 00:00
That is what I understand, I guess I'll never know my complete roots and how far back we go! Thank you my friend
@llamassy 01-01-1970 00:00
Szabó, Kovács, Kis are the most common names there :D
@angelonaddeo 01-01-1970 00:00
trovi tutti i miei lavori in inglese sul mio sito (il link e' nella descrizione di questo video). Ho scritto l'ultimo libro sia in inglese che in Hungherese, puoi comprarlo sul mio sito. Congratulazioni per il tuo italiano!
@angelonaddeo 01-01-1970 00:00
you find all my works in english on my website (the link is in the description of this video) and you can buy there my last book which is available in Hungarian and in English
@MrLukehorvath 01-01-1970 00:00
Someone please give a short summary in english, my parents were hungarian, but I don't know anything about hungarian history. Mr. Naddeo, are any of your books in english?
@Edekohun450 01-01-1970 00:00
igy van
@sambalaful 01-01-1970 00:00
Grazia !
@sambalaful 01-01-1970 00:00
Grazia !
@szaboservices 01-01-1970 00:00
Szabo is a common name there? All from different Szabo families like Smith is here in America, I'll never find my heritage... sad!
@HungarianHistory 01-01-1970 00:00
Half Hungary is Szabó.
@giouli123456 01-01-1970 00:00
Scusatemi, sono ungherese e vivo in Grecia. Come posso avere il Suo libro anche con la lingua italiana. Purtroppo in libreria greca non sapevano niente di questa genere. Grazie Violeta
@szaboservices 01-01-1970 00:00
Az utolsó név Szabo apám jött Magyarországra, de ő maradt, amikor kicsi voltam, semmit sem tudok Szabó magyarországi Im looking for my vérvonal onnan! Van Szabó közös név Magyarországon?

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