Watermelon Launch

5890587   16136   7874
When a medieval weapon launches a watermelon in one racer's face, will she be able to continue? Don't try this at home! The Amazing Race Premieres Sunday, Sept. 26 on CBS!


@alexanderren1097 12-03-2025 08:18
Somebody give her some chicken and then purple drank to wash it all down
@alexanderren1097 12-03-2025 08:17
Knight played the Uno Reverse card
@alexanderren1097 12-03-2025 08:16
I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took a watermelon to the face.
@Peter.K1 12-03-2025 05:52
Szerintem túlérett volt a dinny 😂😂😂
Ha nem így lenne, akkor eltörte volna az állkapcsát 🥴
Megúnhatatlan évek óta.
@kostasplex1940 10-03-2025 02:15
τόφαει το καρπούζ στα μούτρα τσ
@dareldcoco7483 09-03-2025 22:45
Both women came from public school
@dareldcoco7483 09-03-2025 22:44
Ballistic goggles 🥽
@dareldcoco7483 09-03-2025 22:43
Safety goggles 🥽
@dareldcoco7483 09-03-2025 22:42
Her parents are cousins
@dareldcoco7483 09-03-2025 22:42
She came from public school
@dareldcoco7483 09-03-2025 22:42
Hockey helmet with metal fence
@soylentteal 09-03-2025 10:02
Instead of melanoma, it's melon-coma.
@LibDestroyer-nd7mi 08-03-2025 10:52
I needed that laugh big time .. watermelon just implodes on her face I'm amazed she wasn't bludgeoned badly this chick is strong lol
@erichansen3641 06-03-2025 10:07
And that my friends is how Monty Python was born.
@Keledorn 04-03-2025 11:54
This is one of the precious few clips on Youtube I actually don't mind popping up in my recommended view list every year. It saves me from having to hunt it down.
@WaaDoku 27-02-2025 21:28
oof friendly fire
@풍운아-z8q 27-02-2025 16:21
@toonitup7063 27-02-2025 00:42
Whatever goes around, comes around I guess. - Ghandi (probably)
@Rift-h9u 22-02-2025 05:09
I thought her head exploded for a sec
What kind of siege weapon is that?

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