Fly Project - Toca Toca Live @ RMA 2013

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@kristine-r7f 05-02-2025 14:15
Feb.2025 anyone?
@ElRockLatinoVuelve 28-09-2023 13:32
Lipsync ....another mini vanilli
@LesyaRoj 23-04-2023 09:38
Зачем так безвкусно одевать танцующих?
@janzaloudek4957 05-04-2023 18:52
Does anybody know who is singing the Toca Toca part?
@ayeayemyint1204 18-09-2021 16:00
LOVE Fly Project
@GB-bx6gz 10-04-2021 11:10
I hear this song many’” times in all Europe..., but nowhere else the crowd like this!!!
@radone331 10-03-2021 19:36
Where the chorus team singing loka loka loka...

Must Introduce them with this live performance
@mikydash5695 10-04-2020 09:04
@erikapalacios8071 05-03-2020 20:50
Que aburridosssss, ninguno bailando. Para qué van entonces?????
@joseheredia2609 24-06-2019 09:29
This song is awesome.1st time I heard this song was in Colombia years ago.loved that song ever since
@mevineven869 26-10-2018 13:00
Whay ever some fucking haters opinion or cmmts i fucking piss off in their face cause they are jealouse pigs ho to finger ur ass
@theBOBBYnoob1 23-09-2014 03:46
No fucks were given in the crowd :D
@alexmania1998 21-05-2014 00:11
Why is nobody dancing? :P
@hamzaamigo 25-04-2014 18:42
waaaaaa3, what fucking that , worst playback ! !
@babacekdilino2614 22-04-2014 05:34
Love this song so much
@VariousMayBe 30-03-2014 06:20
lame viewers...
@buoric 26-02-2014 07:18
Che pubblico de morti!madonna
@61cecilia 16-02-2014 01:22
Melodia e super, spuneti tutror ca e romanesca, multi nu stiu !!
 Eu am 52 de ani, dar as fi fost acolo as dansat de-mi sareau bretelele :-)
@romanocawosanibooy9128 08-02-2014 01:01
Fulll Proekt
:D it is so fanny and i love this song 

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