Akiba Rubinstein and Polish Chess 2/3
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Polish Chess History 3/3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sqG-MedeLcThis segment covers the career of Akiva Rubinstein up to the First World War.Written by Jessica FischerNarrated by Richard DewoskinInvaluable research assistance from my chessgames.com friends Larry Crawford, Chancho, Annie Kappel, A.J. Goldsby, David Moody, and Scott Thompson.Primary web sources:Anita Sikora: "Akiva Rubinstein" http://rubina.yfw24.de/Tomasz Lissowski: "Vistula miesięcznik szachowy" http://www.astercity.net/~vistula/A.J. Goldsby: Rotlewi-Rubinstein http://www.geocities.com/lifemasteraj/rotle-rubin_1.html
@amigetotyszanuj 06-12-2020 06:06
Thank you so much for this !
@terrygomes7398 24-02-2020 23:16
You are the best in history commantry videos picture explained and etc
@poarak 06-09-2019 04:52
2:39 Does anybody know where this square is or who painted the picture?
@rocconof 03-11-2018 02:48
Is the boy at 0:30 really rubinstein? He started to play chess at 16-18 years old and the boy looks younger than that, and the picture looks a bit more modern than ends of 1800`.
@caglapiskin8825 29-09-2018 21:38
Wow. Wonderful.
@rgsliwa8298 27-03-2018 02:41
Chopin music in the background, a great Polish hero and genius. I enjoyed the your show.
@porcospino289 19-02-2017 12:41
Bogo LYUbov (not joobov). Beloved of God.
@anupdhond 15-10-2015 01:21
beautiful video series. i wonder which moron disliked it.
@LifeMasterAJ 21-09-2015 14:48
Hans Kmoch (i think) is pronounced "Mock." (soft k)
@iBishopEsquire 12-06-2011 14:09
Jessica f. Is wonderful
@79cristoff 02-04-2011 23:27
Akiba was a giant of classical school!
@Catsfaith 11-03-2011 07:10
Nice continuation on Polish Chess History.
Keeping the viewers interest is shown much here thanks to how this is presented. Many thanks for providing this for the rest of us!
@Neueregel 06-01-2011 14:48
Rd2 fantastic move. Akiba was a precursor to Tal's wild game