Making of the Season 2 Finale: Inside The Walking Dead

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"We're literally shooting an epic zombie movie in 8 days." Take an exclusive peek at the making of the adrenaline-pumping season finale. AMC : Walking Dead : on Facebook : on Twitter : Up for the AMC Newsletter : to the AMC YouTube Channel :


@debbiebrantley61 25-02-2025 01:07
Best show ever made,at least it was from season 1-season 5 or 6
@Tsuny999 10-01-2025 22:29
Andrea is so cute behind the scenes
@JacksonKrigsman-d9s 25-12-2024 12:47
Rip Scott wilson😢
@mauricioscoolvideos763 23-10-2024 09:49
Pretty Cool.
@Mystical_Tmac 14-10-2024 10:36
Is anyone watching this in 2024?
@dustygibbs7739 19-06-2024 07:52
Rip to scott wilson
@BlessingOragwu-gy8tq 18-06-2024 12:00
Wow! Thought they use effects for the fire
@BlessingOragwu-gy8tq 18-06-2024 11:56
So you mean all these are not real?
@kangaroo.66 21-07-2023 13:31
A cool show.
@funwithsnowboarding2463 01-01-2023 10:50
Not the 0 recoil hacker Herschel shotgun
@nicaid2503 03-11-2022 15:05
It's so odd seeing the actors outside of acting
@KitoveSN 21-08-2022 14:22
Hershel got unlimited ammo lol
@vivianp5962 12-08-2022 08:04
Ssooooo long ago :(
@PernetiBR53 15-07-2022 19:10
Best series 👍👍
@walspyjamal9834 14-07-2022 08:59
Why andrea looks like a pornstar 🤔
@paliito4246 23-06-2022 08:37
@gcustudios2935 17-04-2022 17:13
The mad thing is that Jon bernthal actually stayed on set and watched them film the final episode of season 2
@razanalcatraz 14-04-2022 01:37
اف وحشونييي
@muratkaradag3703 03-11-2021 12:28
Love Season 1-3 (+ mid season finale of season 4).
This was very intense and exciting to watch! I wished dale and shane hadnt died then ....
@michaelalejandro3267 23-10-2021 23:56
What’s with the inappropriate or offensive to some audiences notices? Not everyone is a snowflake YouTube. 🙄

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