Stanley Tucci's '3 Lbs'
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The size of the average adult brain is three pounds — and that's the title of the CBS drama that premieres tonight. Rene Syler speaks with star Stanley Tucci about "3 Lbs."
@therealvml 16-11-2006 17:56
he's cool
@lordofdrakknor 16-11-2006 12:27
I love Stanley Tucci.
@kerryoke68 16-11-2006 07:10
Stanley Tucci is an amazing actor. I am so glad he's getting more recognition. looks like a meaty role too
@HaldirLives 16-11-2006 03:21
A brilliant but uncaring doctor, and a touch-feely 'duckling'? Tucci is even looking a bit unshaved. (jk, lol) This show looks like it'll be good, and I intend on watching it regularly. Cheers for being on when I can watch it!! (As opposed to another, anonymous show CALLED HOUSE!!!)
@rduggi 16-11-2006 01:49
Looks interesting. Stanley is a perfect match. The fact that he is shaved head makes it more perfect.
@RaptorGimlet752 15-11-2006 22:05
One of my Favorite Actors.