Mikkel Kessler om dødstruslerne fra Carl Froch
37805 68 51
@MrJuhs91 13-07-2020 00:56
kæft så dumt, det er jo bare noget en fighter siger: "im gonna kill him on saturday" eller noget shit i den stil, og så kommer der sådan en reporter tabt bag en vogn og snakker som om Mikkel skulle tage det som en reel døds trussel. Hvor virker det bare dumt og som om avisen mangler en overskrift.
@paulreynolds9003 02-04-2020 15:56
I totally agree with everything he said.
@LINKINPERRY 01-01-1970 08:00
Jo fordi vist er den korte form af viste altså fx. jeg viste ham min cykel. Og vidste er 3. persons formen af at vide.
@cindadus 01-01-1970 08:00
What a stupid and useless comment. I am sorry for you, your apparent need to debase other people must stem from something lacking in your own life. Good luck getting yourself back together man, it seems like you need it.
@LINKINPERRY 01-01-1970 08:00
@tunfugl37 01-01-1970 08:00
Arrogant fuckhead.
@BarrySlisk 01-01-1970 08:00
It sure is a component. Unless most other countries are living in huts, when England was a super power.
@capitalfreedompower 01-01-1970 08:00
What stupidity are you talking? What has population got to do with anything - UK is closer to 63 million anyway. I am British-American and last time I checked USA was the superpower of the world - just for statement not having a superiority complex. The UK has the 5th largest GDP Economy (still top 10 - after USA, China, Japan and Germany). What the hell has population got to do with anything? Bangladesh has 150million people but is poor as hell and currency and nation has little global impact
@BarrySlisk 01-01-1970 08:00
UK is number 22, not 5. UK is only 60 millions people in a world of 7 billion people. Sorry, your days as a super power are long gone.
@capitalfreedompower 01-01-1970 08:00
Well there we have it. Bet was as predicted. Shame Carl did not stop him in 12th as almost did as may pay off would have been much better. Great fight and your viking warrior showed how tough he was. That's why Carl has so much respect for him.
@capitalfreedompower 01-01-1970 08:00
What? Are you actually digesting what I have written? I have not stated any culture superior or think that?? Go away away and live your historian life a few centuries ago.
@danishcamb 01-01-1970 08:00
I'm a historian so yeah. Then let's make Britain a communist country cause China is communist. I'm not going to discuss with an ignorant fool who wants to remove all cultures because he feels that his own is superior.
@MarcusBoejer 01-01-1970 08:00
Image stabilisation strikes again...
@CreWWega94 01-01-1970 08:00
kessler er en klog man
@rockingmaniac1808 01-01-1970 08:00
Iskold Mikkel ;) knock him out !
@DTLN 01-01-1970 08:00
Billedet er stabiliseret.
@capitalfreedompower 01-01-1970 08:00
Sorry that's 3600 Kroner for Carl on points.
@capitalfreedompower 01-01-1970 08:00
I hope not. Personally think going to be difficult to KO either as both have a good chin. On flip side both are good punchers in their weight class so could happen. As I think Carl will win have him winning on points with, in your currency equivalence, 2600 kroner (at 11/8) and to hedge my bets a little for a bigger winning - 500 kroner Carl winning by KO in 10th (at 22/1) and another 500 kroner him winning by KO in 12th (at 33/1).
@capitalfreedompower 01-01-1970 08:00
Barry, that is ridiculous. How can you throw that into the equation? For a start London is the foreign exchange centre of the world and the UK is the 5th largest economy. It has a significant impact. Personally, if Europe sorted its economic issues out and the UK did join the Euro then it is on paper a good alternative to balance out the US $ as a reserve currency.
@capitalfreedompower 01-01-1970 08:00
My god, do they really teach you guys in your education system to be stuck in the past. The British empire used to span the globe and the UK was the richest nation not too long ago but the baton was past to USA and UK had to accept it as USA rose to be the worlds superpower. As British and American proud of both. Now China is on the rise and we have a new contender for the future. We adapt, accept the changes and make adjustment for those changes.