312889 254 46 Poet/writer/singer/activist Patti Smith and director Steven Sebring at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival premiere of PATTI SMITH: DREAM OF LIFE.
@ToeIn2194 20-02-2013 02:55
Patti could be a bitch to other females. Suffering people usually are not diva witches. They are very often gracious,humble and softened by the sanding down of the ego. She was attitudinally cruel. She's a mighty wonderful expressive person. I love a truely artistic soul,but sometimes artsy people are mean.
@eluispresley 17-11-2011 06:00
@ToeIn2194 10-06-2011 02:24
Okay! Okay! You win! She was great,kind,real and a"true" goddess inside and out! Sure. Whatever you say. I apologize for not lying with pc bs. I admit I find her talented,but she is also kind of plastic and egotistical and self absorbed but in another way. Those "bimbo" females and the stereotyped females you mention sometimes you might find laughable but they actually have more heart and womans soul than this hip self absorbed diva bitch.
@ToeIn2194 09-03-2011 11:30
@ccipollini1984 OMG you are so lonely!
@ToeIn2194 10-02-2011 15:50
I met her in person and she was completely forced,contrived and smug.I was disappointed because I like her art to some degree. I agree that she really takes herself wayyy too seriously. I also,if honesty counts anymore ,not pc,found her to be almost a frankenstein ,long ,scarey looking hag who said ,in her show,about five times how fabulous she is/was and how this one,that one had to have her,etc. Way too serious about herself. Disappointed by her deluded ,fat ego.
@coy0te9 04-09-2010 11:25
a friend of mine has met Patti at stage door with a rose several times when she's played Atlanta . He says she's never been anything but polite. Once just to do something different he handed her a lit joint. He says she laughed, said thanks, and took it.
@dirkbogarde44 08-06-2010 10:38
She takes herself wayyy too seriously.
@Jojoseahorse 20-05-2010 02:27
@kingoftomatoes I'm assuming you are a dude, if you are a "King": would you really want to resemble a hot girl?! Some tomatoes can be juicy though :)
@kingoftomatoes 20-05-2010 01:59
Yeah, I wake up every day to look in the mirror cursing the gods that I don't look like her.
@jocksoff 26-04-2010 21:13
@217potato no, didn't say a thing....but to put things in perspective Jay Dee Daugherty was very cool...and spoke a little about their music, setlists, etc. He was very much a gentleman.
@217potato 26-04-2010 11:26
@jocksoff Did you say something to upset her, because she really seems like she is cool.
@Jojoseahorse 22-03-2010 01:43
She's soooooo gorgeous :)
@Liozeris 26-02-2010 13:20
@fnnichols -- quiet now. Smith is deserving of anyone's respect. Bear in mind; only you have your wants.
@jocksoff 03-02-2010 12:48
just to comment and perhaps shed some light on the subject....I have met patti and laurie anderson....laurie was very pleasant.....patti was not....
@jocksoff 03-02-2010 12:46
Mean to everyone! I gotta say she was an idol of mine since my childhood...and I got to meet her a few years back and....she was mean to me. LOL
@royceicon 07-09-2009 14:49
i saw the movie in the theater last year. twas interesting.
but a little long.
@radioRELOAD 01-09-2009 08:32
there are some good moments in recent years, i love her band, i love her writing, she has been a teacher to me in many ways! i really didnt mean to trash her, just sharing the truth i wish her the best, frankly, the two nicest artists i ever met( on repeated ocassions) were laurie Anderson.and (this is true) Alice Cooper ( im done here)
@radioRELOAD 12-08-2009 07:56
i think its wonderful you had a great experience, good for you both. i was lucky to have met her! i even had dinner with her and the band at an event. its to bad you would think something Stupid would trigger some kind of personal hostility towards her. truth be told her most recent efforts are not memorable
@radioRELOAD 20-07-2009 11:47
i used feel the same way as all of you, i felt she was a great artist and human (like all of us) but i've been around her on a few occasions, she not very respectful to people.every star has an ego, you need a certain amount of one to be great, hers' is just mean spirited. in the words of chris stein, she's not what she thinks she is.
@himsyambrose 16-07-2009 07:31
i love her so so so much and i was so disappointed with the film. : (