PUSH GIRLS | If You Can't Stand Up, Stand Out | Sundance Channel

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Like any sexy, dynamic Hollywood women, Angela, Tiphany, Mia and Auti are four friends who yearn to get the most out of life. But, their lives have taken an unexpected turn. Through accident or illness, these women have been paralyzed from the neck or waist down. But while their legs may be disabled, their spirits remain unbroken. Pushing beyond their handicaps to face life head on, these four fearless women pursue their own claims to happiness, even when their lives threaten to spin out of control. Share the laughter, the daily challenges, and personal triumphs that set these women apart. From dating to careers to starting a family, they'll push themselves -- and each other -- to the limit. Push Girls is an unfettered, uncensored glimpse into their surprising world -- one that shatters all expectations about what life in a wheelchair can be.Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pushgirlsFind out more about PUSH GIRLS: www.push-girls.comFollow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/sundancechannel


@castmarco 27-10-2023 21:54
Update season, please Sundance. Thanks
@samanthatrue3474 19-10-2016 11:20
I think that is awesome.. ive been in a wheelchair for 8months now.. trying to stay uplifted.. don't go any place except dr. appo
@Oni.media_ 11-09-2014 12:35
And this concludes why women are bad drivers.
@bigpooh10 23-09-2013 02:04
That's just rude !!!
@journeystarr 26-08-2013 03:36
do they wear diapers
@SonyaDlivingwithlupus 25-07-2013 01:04
Why are you being hateful against the girls in this video?
@SonyaDlivingwithlupus 25-07-2013 01:03
No its totally going over yours though. Your comments are being flagged as spam for a reason. Take the hint.
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 13:47
Actually, I do NOT like Maron
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 13:42
You can call your provider because you are suppose to get Sundance for free, they have better films on this channel. I had to do the same thing regarding another channel. I called and asked and they just flipped some switch and it was on. Depends on your package, but even a basic package should allow you to have this channel.
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 13:40
That is what I am saying..I jsut think that others should be demonstrated of their talents rather than of only focusing on merely these young ladies, they should rotate the program from time to time and not cut off the movie while we are watching the movie, I am disabled too, but I do not wished to be reminded every 5 minutes. You are right the attention is not all that innocent.
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 13:38
But see, you did this and more BEFORE they used this show to tell us that this is cool. Again. Speak your mind and be proud of who YOU are. As long as the program does not pretend to be what it isn't. I would like to see every day people, even folks who,like yourself who can do some cool things despite limitations.Never let anyone tell you what you can watch or say and you are FREE to disagree with out being falsely spammed because someone disagrees with you. And you can speak in paragraphs too
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 13:35
I am glad that you have kept going & not only because of the show, but because of who YOU are. My only disagreement is that This show makes it as if others aren't doing these things, but I have seen people in wheel chairs do amazing things BEFORE this show aired. I simply disagree that they are now only making being in a wheelchair sexy or marketing these girls to demonstrate that. Where are the men who can do amazing things as well? I speak from experience& thank you for reading this w/dignity
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 12:52
Okayyy! And watch for the YT Gestapo because if you have any opinion that does not fit their own, and will take turns spammimg you off some insane things& Like she really tolf me off. Whoo, so frightened of their comments and the ignorant one who likes to swear. They are probably complaining b/c I am not kissing booty. Say what you want! I agree with you too!
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 12:49
Now look who is tripping. Your paragraph is on the wordy side as well. You do not even know what you are talking about. You are making many points yourself and if they are wrong, I am here to please you. Totally friggin' missed the entire point. Don't respond to me any more tonight since you want to show your abusive control & accuse me of having an opinion. So obtuse.
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 12:43
I can write long paragraphs as long as I am not abusive to anyone or about any one. But that is okay, for the two who want to "fight club" with me over this, send me a personal e-mail and I will give you exactly where I live and then the both of you can do as you wish woth you nasty reactions. Look at who is truly ridiculous and can't read eother. So silly. The two of you, so go and lie about the "spam" and we can chat w/ you tube about the guidlines. But keep it going since you like abuse
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 12:34
Please! You are sad girl, for real!
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 12:33
I can go where I please, so of you do not want to be told where to go, don't tell me where I can go. I do as I damned well please, That is what this is about, not you preaching to tell me where I need to go. You just like to argue. DAY AM!!!
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 12:32
See, you ALSO missed the point..I thought that I would get more of a better response from you if at all you..I can say what I want...the point is that I am watching a movie, every time I am watching a movie, they advertise this show, you love it then watch it, but do not tell me what to watch . You aren't preaching to me. I watched this channel much longer than you have before they placed commercials on it. The show I really do like is Maron, but they do advertise this show right in the middle
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 12:28
@kittyscratchesboo 23-07-2013 12:27
I am NOT spamming, but you are being rude your self, since this is the only way that I have to communicate with others..How is this spam because you do not like what I am saying...Spam means, that I am adverting someting, I am responding to you and to others. Spam means that this is something electronic which is being automatically repeated, where as I am not advertiseing or tryig to sell you anything at all. Why are you acting so hateful?

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