ICONOCLASTS Season 2: Mikhail Baryshnikov + Alice Waters
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http://www.sundancechannel.com/iconoclasts/ In this episode, dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov and chef Alice Waters share their philosophies of art, food, teaching and community with visits to New York's Baryshnikov Arts Center, the Edible Schoolyard Project in Berkeley, California and at a dinner at Waters's legendary restaurant Chez Panisse. (Choreography in the clip by Aszure Barton.)ICONOCLASTS airs Thursdays at 10pm on Sundance Channel.
@mirikiki2098 11-06-2022 01:44
Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, loves to dance. He has given mankind the gift of dance, and Misha and other dancers and choreographers keep showing us, how beautiful the art of dance is! Thank you and bless you God! Hare Krishna!
@freddiemercury4evr 15-02-2019 10:39
More Misha please 😊
@sugarplumcherry6 20-11-2010 01:15
@23pointe my teacher danced with him once and said the same thing. she said he was really arrogant and basically just a real jerk... it's really too bad since he's always been such an awe-inspiring dancer.
@23pointe 24-10-2010 08:51
@QueenMAB418 ok....look...she doesnt want to sell books.she wants to share her story of being a ballerina...and its not like i dont ♥ him...i do...all i was saying is tht they had a hard relationship...o and im pretty sure he didnt have arthritis back in the 70s when they worked together.and gelsey kirkland is the QUEEN OF DANCE and always be.
@QueenMAB418 18-10-2010 18:20
@23pointe Gelsey didn't like being dumped by him, and wants to sell books, no mystery there. She is parvenu, while he is the Prince or King of Dance for all time. Of course he's hard to work with, he wants the 100% HE gives, from each of his dancers. And keep in mind he's doing it all with a horrible case of arthritis, so he's in terrible pain, and he's STILL dancing and making it look like he's floating on air. She just wants to sell her book. He will live forever in dance and choreography.
@QueenMAB418 18-10-2010 18:15
Nice to see Mikhail sitting still praising another very young dancer though; calling it this:"dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov and chef Alice Waters share their philosophies of art, food, teaching and community with visits to New York's Baryshnikov Arts Center", etc. is *totally* misleading. Even for a snippet. We see a woman handling raw meat (with no gloves - remind me to NOT eat there!!), and a dance class. Misha comments on 1 dancer, the rest is all Alice. Not cool.
@QueenMAB418 18-10-2010 18:14
@NapsAboveWaterfalls My thoughts too, exactly. A BIT misleading, we get 2 or 3 sentences from Mischa, and it's 99.5% Alice Waters going on about HER philosophy. I'd have appreciated a more honest description, especially since they didn't do anything in the description!!!
@23pointe 01-10-2010 06:46
its so wierd too see people lovin him...not tht i dont....its just i read gelsey kirklands autobiography and they went out for a while and she said he was impossible to work with...
@tsoupilarilz 10-09-2010 07:23
i want to dance for him :(
@eggbertsmith 08-09-2009 10:08
i toetally pwned barishnicoff when I ran into him at a hot dog stand in NY last year. I challenged him to a Nutkraker dance off, right there in the middle of W 37th street. As soon as he was done feeding his old face with a bratworst I did like 16 perowets in a row causing him to throw up his sausage in disgust at my otherworldly talents. Pwned! I then sreamed "suffer, communist", to add insult to injery. Damn I pwn!
@Yaddayaddayaddablahb 09-08-2009 12:27
He's 60 I think
@Shojois4me3 05-08-2009 04:55
And Misha!
@vousette 20-06-2009 11:22
Mikhail Baryshnikov is looking good...as always :)
@iluvqotsaforever 22-03-2009 08:42
Wow he is not as old as I thought. Brilliant dancer!
@vjelmyer 05-11-2007 06:02
it really is an amazing show....and some of the pairs they put together seem ridiculous, but then you watch it and it's just amazing the connection......definetly one of my favorites!
@DannyMcCaffrey 05-10-2007 15:53
I gotta see this show. Kamen? Waters? Vedder? Chappelle? Tarantino?...Fuckin A',