"FRIENDS 4 EVER" : A Short Film (Horror/Comedy)

8484361   158898   41810
CLICK HERE for BEHIND THE SCENES! http://www.youtube.com/shanedawsontv2"Friends 4 Ever" Posters available here! http://store.bandmerch.com/shanedawson/Wanna TWEET Amy? heres her twitterhttp://twitter.com/#!/2Hot4WurdsINTRO SONG"I Want Your Bite" by Chris CrockerGet the song on ITUNES here! http://tinyurl.com/4ee5yoqENDING SONG"Bad Karmas" by Ida MarieITUNES LINK: http://idj.to/iBadKarmaWritten, Directed, & Starring: Shane Dawson http://www.youtube.com/shanedawsontvExecutive Producer:Tony Valenzuela http://www.youtube.com/blackboxtvCast:Brenda - Bree Essrig http://www.youtube.com/breeessrighttp://twitter.com/#!/breeessrigLisa - Cyrina Fiallo http://www.youtube.com/thesubpranoshttp://twitter.com/#!/cyrinafialloKiki - Kristin Findley http://www.youtube.com/kristinfindleyhttp://twitter.com/#!/kristinfindleyLori Beth - Liz Burghdorf http://www.lizburghdorf.comBrit - Rachel Wittman http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1825093/Danny - Daniel RobbinsPizza Boy - Mike Anderson http://www.youtube.com/mikeandersonwahttp://twitter.com/#!/mikeandersonwaSPECIAL EFFECTS Will Hyler http://www.youtube.com/willhundredpercent*Send letters to:3727 W. Magnolia Blvd #712 Burbank, CA 91505*Branding, Media, & General Business Inquiries: The [email protected]*Film & Television Agent:William Morris Endeavor(310) 285-9000


@alyssawssinging4039 04-03-2025 07:05
I remember this like it was yesterday 😂
@codymoutinho 01-03-2025 08:15
Can you make the other little movies you made public? I am referring the them ones you had to like click and it was a little game. I think there may have been a christmas one. And like a final destination one
@UxCaNxCaLLxM3xClaSSY 17-02-2025 09:31
that was great
@belindafrancis3881 06-02-2025 20:15
do they want to scream and talk any louder, so the killer can know where they are (if it were real, lol). How did he get to the other side of the door so quick? so do they actually kill Amy in the end?
@cloudsotherchild 05-02-2025 03:09
I remember thinking over 20 mins was too long for a youtube video
@MrExTRACTx22 05-12-2024 10:08
Broooo i remember this when it first came out 😭
@ItsAriesHere 21-11-2024 16:00
@ginoborrero2222 09-11-2024 03:07
Bree Essrig and Kristin Findley are beautiful
@lizzier1031 01-11-2024 04:35
Happy Halloween!!!
@lostwavefinder587 29-10-2024 01:39
@Vinny52300 26-10-2024 13:01
It’s this time of year👏🏽
@Vinny52300 26-10-2024 12:59
Oop… caught here in 2024?

Me too🙌🏽
Still enjoying classic Shane🫶🏼
@ponyproductionsfilms 11-10-2024 07:28
The cute one was being called fat.
@lavendercrow680 04-10-2024 08:27
the whole chanel #2 show with emma roberts was literally stolen from this they stole this original shane idea i pthink he’s awesome
@stephanychocolate6227 01-10-2024 10:09
@seopols 17-09-2024 05:30
anyone here in 2024?
@alanmillree933 12-09-2024 15:46
Still hilarious 😂
@anecho489 12-09-2024 05:28
Damn it was nice when Shane didn't care about canceling culture and was actually funny
@Ashlee-c4h 11-09-2024 04:15
is this nothing has a Slasher movies like crack under pressure and crave ball but catch that quick enough and a ninja star fucking Jackie Chan I wish that was a movie more than ever even the last has one star under it I swear if this is a horror film I rather watch don’t mess with friends 4 forever film has a Slasher movie 🎥?
@pjluk 07-09-2024 23:41
shane dawson used to be so funny it’s a shame he has sex with cats

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