Crime Scene Clean-Up: Dying Alone

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In New York city many people live alone... and die alone. It can be days before some deaths are discovered. Hear from the professionals who arrive to take care of the aftermaths. ----True Crime Files by Investigation DiscoveryAdd Hundreds of Crime Shows to Amazon Prime - Start Your 7-Day Free Trial Today!


@Bouscrop 30-03-2024 02:41
there's the wtc its dentally from the 90s
@AmirTori 10-10-2022 12:26
Anybody know what show this is?
@destineebedoya9141 30-08-2022 23:37
I'm very scared
@SUFUN_ 05-06-2021 04:01
Fun fact: you did not search her this
@Biotrauma911 26-03-2021 02:46
Decompositions are certainly the worst part of the job we do and they're more common than most people think. It's sad that these individuals died but even sadder that their bodies lay undiscovered for days and sometimes even weeks. And, it's usually not a family member or friend who finds them, it's a neighbor who calls the police to conduct a welfare check due to the odor of death coming from a room or structure.
@tania-ei6vr 18-08-2020 01:46
2020 ?
@seand67 16-07-2020 08:13
So sad
@deadshot-snipe4070 22-05-2020 12:45
Welppl.. there goes my thanatophobia..
@MABuendiaHD 15-05-2020 09:12
I found a new career fall back.
@babycakes3112 14-04-2020 23:00
My last name is Joyner lol
@taylorrae2488 28-02-2020 00:38
Shawn was r i g h t.
@bunni5716 09-01-2020 06:19
s e a n

w a s

r i g h t -
@watermelooooon 02-12-2019 02:30
I wish I could’ve seen the body blow up!!!
@TheRoseGhost5921 20-09-2019 10:36
The towers...
@satanfather5406 21-07-2019 00:32
Shown wos right
@riazhamdanmalik6036 15-07-2019 03:58
Where is the second part of the video!??
@gypsygypsy_y 05-06-2019 12:36
What happens if a person dies or had been killed in a bed? What will you do to the bedsheet? Throw it away or return it after cleaning?
@jn2898 31-05-2019 11:30
better get a discount on rent!!!
@RADIUMGLASS 28-05-2019 06:05
The landlord is responsible for hiring a crew to clean that.

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