The Walking Dead Season 4 Returns

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Don't miss the return of The Walking Dead, Sun., Feb. 9 at 9/8c. For more The Walking Dead videos: : http://www.amc.comAMC on Facebook : AMC on Twitter : Sign Up for the AMC Newsletter : to the AMC Channel :


@Misplantis 30-08-2024 04:04
This season was f amazing. Cause they where fighting TOGETHER
@aly_loooony 28-06-2024 20:42
I've been rewatching TWD and currently on season 4. Anyone here in 2024?
@retrostudios894 11-03-2024 12:07
season 4 will always be the best season!!
@aliatheer451 02-03-2024 08:41
@ZombieSnipe-v9v 30-01-2024 12:58
The nostalgia
@kxlebhim 01-02-2023 12:43
Who’s here after the show ended??
@hussain.9621 20-08-2022 02:21
ابداع ياخي
@insta7vtvzz 14-06-2022 13:50
@abdoamer7158 15-06-2021 05:24
2021❤️I see it now ❤️
@cyrusdrawsstuff8916 12-05-2021 05:42
This comment section is like a calendar
@andreytelles708 09-04-2021 15:35
and now
the end is coming
@tub700 24-03-2021 00:29
I like to walking dead season 4
@nairasharma7597 20-03-2021 21:25
Anyone here? After Season 10?
@nehemiahjacobs1987 05-01-2021 10:55
In the fucking trailer they spoiled hersels death
@df-majik1331 18-12-2020 18:21
6 yrs later
@Mohamed-Maghrebi 10-10-2020 08:37
Come on guys, stop spoiling in trailer, killing the old men was so choking 😔
Can’t wait for this season to return!
@anetanaumoska1464 04-10-2020 05:09
@alisson6894 09-06-2020 08:46
2020 in quarenrine???
@blueei007 28-05-2020 00:00
Did they just spoil the death of hershil?

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