301487 1378 164
"You could truly make meth in this setup." Breaking Bad's Production Designer goes into detail about the inner workings of the super lab.AMC : http://www.amctv.com/Breaking Bad : http://www.amctv.com/shows/breaking-badAMC on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/amcAMC on Twitter : http://twitter.com/AMC_TVSign Up for the AMC Newsletter : http://www.amctv.com/newsletter-subscriptionSubscribe to the AMC YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/amc
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"Make your own meth!!"
They could even have a gift shop where you can buy packets of Blue Sky Meth rock candy.
I'd go.
Direct Material:
-Anhydrous ammonia $$$
-Toluene $
-Ephedrine $$$
-Hydrochloric acid $$$
-pseudoephedrine $$
-Lye $
-Lithium $
-Acetone $$$
-phosphorous $
-Other chemicals $$$
Direct Manufacturing Labor:
-meth cookers $$
Manufacturing Overhead:
-Depreciation of building and lab equipment $$
-Insurance of building $$
-Indirect material $$
-other indirect costs
Add all costs (Direct Material+ Direct Manufacturing Labor + Manufacturing Overhead) / total meth produce) and you get the cost per gram of meth.
" hi I'm tony Dalton . hi I'm Patrick Fabian"