GREEN PORNO: Genital Geometry

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A sneak peek at Isabella Rossellini's bizarre and hilarious look at sex in the natural world. Isabella Rossellini's critically acclaimed and provocative online series, GREEN PORNO covers both land and sea! The series features Rossellini as she acts out the reproductive habits of marine animals and insects, both scientifically accurate yet extremely entertaining. all eight Green Porno shorts at a part of what The New Yorker calls "The new go-to network for artistic risk."Subscribe to SundanceTV: from SundanceTV:Official SundanceTV Website: SundanceTV: SundanceTV: Google+: Instagram:


@elcrack1338 31-07-2019 06:50
@LeahJane1995 26-11-2013 17:10
The my penis will break off part is popular by the sounds of things
@mareeepskamp5279 28-10-2012 14:17
honestly like what is this?
@SleetDrops 04-10-2012 20:29
...I will never look at insects the same way again
@Mullahgrrl 31-07-2010 20:46
@tomster6991 No, its gold!
@sailormeo 26-06-2010 06:00
My penis will break off.... AND EAT ME XD
@kekoaw 27-11-2009 22:55
that was soo random it was funny o-o
@gredennia 27-04-2009 10:52
omfg best thing ever
@gredennia 27-04-2009 10:50
she's making awesome, unique art in a format most people don't use.
@UniQueLyEviL 31-10-2008 15:52
I'm in love
@Ravehcok 29-08-2008 18:01
No wonder there are so many insects. All that bizarre sex. What are humans waiting for? God, i'm going to hell, or jail, or probaly will be eaten by my next serious date. I can only hope.
@wolfaith 31-07-2008 09:57
ahahahaha~ silly funny video. I cant stop laughing~
@NaomasDarkSide 28-07-2008 23:40
Lolz yea it was that too.
@GpD79 28-07-2008 04:45
Weird... I thought Isabella Rosselini was a better actress than that. I figured she'd seek better, more substantial roles. Odd.
@Sonnythemobster 25-07-2008 04:27
it the "BLEEEAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!" at the end isn't it.
@NaomasDarkSide 24-07-2008 15:28
Lmfao. I was just like "Wtf?!" Now everytime i see a bug i cant stop laughing xD
@punkkm4593 08-06-2008 11:24
i'm scared to leave my home
@Duffman0 08-06-2008 07:52 speechless
@burning4rmwithin 07-06-2008 04:11
haha yea i thought the bees and the snails were hilarious.
@letzsnuggzz 05-06-2008 00:44
I love when she exclaims, "My penis would break off" I could watch that over and over again

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