Sundance Channel Presents GET TO WORK | It Ain't Funny

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GET TO WORK - Mondays at 10:30P on Sundance ChannelSundance Channel presents GET TO WORK. GET TO WORK is an unfiltered, uncompromising look at Strive, an organization dedicated to getting America back to work. GET TO WORK takes you inside this hardcore back-to-work boot camp that serves the chronically unemployed -- jobless, directionless, and hopeless people who are just clinging on for survival.


@thebasquez 21-08-2012 06:08
I could tell she was a meth addict just the way she talked
@FerozandIndalia 19-08-2012 10:55
i wish i can see this episode soon from this lady she seems to giggle and laugh but her eyes tell that she is very sad and needs help :c i agree with @jakelouislaz hope she will be fine
@Somebodyouthere 17-08-2012 22:32
watching this.
@jakelouislaz 17-08-2012 22:22
hoping for the best for this lady
@MrFairweather21 17-08-2012 22:20
why is she laughing?
@auchucknorris 15-08-2012 20:06
.. fuck.. compared to the druggo i had to work with for one week.. she was much more controlled as soon as he got his 1st pay check he was fucking off his face on heroin
@Tier3Gamer 15-08-2012 13:22
it's her fault.
@volikoto 15-08-2012 08:14
this show is amazing.. it could help a lot of people....
@TheGriffinCompany 15-08-2012 05:59
Yea I know true
@dropout 15-08-2012 05:23
I'm concerned for chipped tooth lady. And the woman to her left.
@maffy604 14-08-2012 02:36
@caitilou 14-08-2012 00:53
it's stories like these that really make you thankful for what you have.
@MrDuku1 13-08-2012 22:12
can't believe she's laughing...
@helenboram6023 13-08-2012 22:03
Well dang, that's a pretty structured schedule for drug use!
@TheBeccaemarchant 13-08-2012 21:54
@ben3761 13-08-2012 21:53
This is good. Wish we had initiatives like this over the pond.
@ricekrispies3 13-08-2012 21:47
That's some responsible meth usage, cutting herself off at 4pm on Sunday - not on a school night!
@thatshowiLOL 13-08-2012 21:45
This is great!
@Somebodyouthere 13-08-2012 21:44
"i got fired cos i was a drug addict!"
@5miles6blocksaway 12-08-2012 08:40
thnks for the aqw artix points :')

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