Michael Jackson - History (Hungary)

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The massive promotional campaign for the forthcoming album, HIStory, was launched on MTV and around the world on the 22nd of May 1995, with a stunning teaser film. The 4 minute "HIStory Teaser" was filmed in Budapest in early August 1994, and directed by Rupert Wainwright. Fans were invited to participate in the film, which featured a huge army and stunning special effects. The film created a stir around the world and generated massive interest in Michael's forthcoming album.


@elisabethgreene2002 25-08-2019 17:46
I realy love mj. But i don't like this video. Maby because I don't understand the meaning behind it? Can someone explain it to me?
...I only see to much ego...sorry.
@zenobardot 11-03-2019 07:18
This is an amazing film. I did not realize Michael had such an interest in the aesthetics of fascism. I was alive in the mid-90s, but clearly not paying attention.
@richardgutz422 09-09-2016 10:46
the phase Thanos Michael,
A fase Thanos do Michael.
@annakallay7646 04-07-2016 19:35
Úr isten! De kár hogy én még nem éltem ekkor,pont egy évvel utána születtem,miután Michael itt járt.....Annyira sajnálom hogy nem találkozhattam vele élőben :( ❤
@Dokifreeman 10-04-2014 05:41
Before Kim Jong Un there was Michael Jackson... no really what the fuck was this all about? I mean the setting, the stupid people screaming like apes, the giant fuckin' statue (yeah' you were 'modest' back then Jacko...R.I.P.).
@mikami1993 27-05-2012 20:53
When he smiled, the whole world smiled with him <3
@roboconpo 09-12-2011 04:06
@LeafInTheWind88 15-11-2011 09:05
The jacket that mike is wearing is so damn sexy! I mean he is looking like a damn prince in this one! Man he was one sexy brother!

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