GBH-Interview 2011 (german,

75498   149   43
GBH - Back to no future!Eine Reportage von Dominique Rebelini(,CmC=3685468.html)


@klijillijil9981 09-07-2021 14:54
gotta laugh at a lot of people´s #okboomer
@Clemenssnemelc 26-03-2020 01:15
Girls Booze Hash
@TheDmanMA 26-10-2017 08:40
such an important band for the punk movement....Oi!!
@munobasho9 09-10-2015 12:55
Shit, I can't hear the English!
@gkooooz 04-03-2015 04:09
I agree with everyone that says G.B.H™ fuckin rules.  If you dont like G.B.H™ than you dont like punk rock.
@aristotle358 03-01-2015 15:17
I used to have "Leather Bristles Studs and Acne". Anyone out there remember that album? Es freut mich sehr deutscher Punker zu erkennen.
@skillamungus 15-12-2014 07:51
@jeromefecto8085 04-12-2014 10:55
Hi Patience, this is KK Queen
@Smalec77 01-01-1970 08:00
...They're just a FUCKIN LEGEND!!! That's who GBH are...;))) No more WORDS to be spoken...!!!!
THE FUCKIN LEGEND!!!...that's who they are...!!!
@rowbearly6128 01-01-1970 08:00
Ramones were super cool but didnt start anything. Punk music goes back frther than you think. saints for a start. It never had a difinitive start or finish,just bands that got noticed first.
@WattySmith1 01-01-1970 08:00
Cool, lords of the new church t shirt @ 5:00
@timflowers6914 01-01-1970 08:00
Shut up bitch....I want to hear GBH, godaman kraut! HAHAHAHAHA!
@TheLimbReaper 01-01-1970 08:00
That's called the "Punk Paradox". The "good bands" who kept their "never sell out to the system" mantra, aren't and never really were heard from...Then along comes YouTube giving everyone a chance at a rebirth.
@seancarlson8278 01-01-1970 08:00
You serious?! The Ramones were and are considered punk. Different times have different sounds. The Pistols had stated multiple times in documentaries that they were influenced by the Ramones. The Ramones, The Dead Boys, Iggy Pop, and Johny Thunders were all punk bands from the 70's in New York.
@dojawdwajdowa 01-01-1970 08:00
What is that song at 3:15 ?
@jamesbradley9233 01-01-1970 08:00
faqew, ramones werent punk!. but the pistols were.
@reladham 01-01-1970 08:00
learn german
@BoluzB2 01-01-1970 08:00
then one should mention iggy pop before that
@Faqew 01-01-1970 08:00
Not a single mention of the "Ramones" in here, although they startetd it all. :(
@MegaGriswald 01-01-1970 08:00
whats wrong with the statement "after the death of ....blabla... punk to be ended"?. punk was out of the charts. this feature is produced for mainstream 9 to 5 people. of course punk was always around, we know that. i'm wondering a channel like arte (i'm swiss, we got this as well) even features bands like g.b.h. / and yeah - arte is an arty farty something channel.

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