Key & Peele - School Bully
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One school bully is surprisingly in touch with his emotions.
@duu2534 07-03-2025 18:27
Lastele naeratuste loomine ja nende naeratuse kaitsmine. See on täiskasvanute missioon. Tehkem kõik koos parema maailma loomise nimel.
@gigapedia6531 03-03-2025 13:14
I thought it was funny in the beginning but when the dad showed up it got dark and morbid really fast.
@ZubinMadon 28-02-2025 18:26
Oh another light hearted sketch from key and peele
@CALIFLOWS 25-02-2025 23:38
"Coming reluctantly" got me dying 😂
@mrtarijano1 16-02-2025 08:29
This is so powerful, reflective of many many deeply rooted diseases in our individual selves and in the society at large.
@JaylenPotts-zs2qw 06-02-2025 10:29
Growing up I was bullied by my brother and at school.
@joeblow578 06-02-2025 09:33
That's... that's Andre Royo as the dad!
@krrishchaturvedi7710 17-01-2025 03:53
Average bully in England
@TomboyGirl-n8r 12-01-2025 17:07
When palestinains were also fighting bullies ( isreal ) they were shamed (called terrorists )
@renatenha 09-01-2025 04:30
This is so real and so sad
@paulmorris6316 08-01-2025 10:27
@slifer2 07-01-2025 07:55
This is a great educational video, not many kids know that this is why bullies bully.
@BretBrin 02-01-2025 02:15
@tracyleesmith781 27-12-2024 03:27
Okay.....this dude needed help like asap & im glad he admitted that he is yelling for HELP!
@АбдулВахад 21-12-2024 09:43
Welcome to my world b…c😮😅😢
@stephsunny 17-12-2024 04:12
@marciabbey 12-12-2024 07:46
@truegamer2819 26-11-2024 08:15
almost sounds like Iron Mike tyson being the bully towards the nerds in school
@mrbransformer4184 20-11-2024 05:35
It’s dude from the wire!!!
@theidiot752 14-11-2024 10:59
this might be 2009 Tyler the creator💀