Key & Peele - Gideon's Kitchen
20379543 189161 6405
On "Gideon's Kitchen," you can never be sure who's really winning -- or losing.
@ridwanbayu306 26-02-2025 19:13
Telur nasi padang gaes...
@ranjitmandal1612 24-02-2025 20:19
Really bad 😞
@JustSpade 19-02-2025 13:10
bro is edging
@YokaiX 16-02-2025 13:54
Gideon Ramston
@babaelihumachine2644 15-02-2025 12:26
All these swipes @MiChaeLJackson gets its ownPayBack-inTime.
@alisonevans3059 14-02-2025 21:55
The English accent needs work.
@adiibaz8828 11-02-2025 09:30
Jan 2012... TAKE ME BACK PLS 😢
@DenshoGames 10-02-2025 19:32
WHAT!!?? lol... he had me. yep. he had me with this one lol
@cubi95 05-02-2025 19:09
Real fan knew this skit is longer
@Muslim11234 03-02-2025 16:06
@rowdyreidgirl 31-01-2025 09:30
I didn't realize this was a parody until this very moment!! 😂😂
@ladawnmiller3003 24-01-2025 00:38
i still don’t know if he liked it or not
@Mrpiggybank1964 13-01-2025 06:33
Some key and peele Gideon kitchen type reactions
@wearywanderer7018 11-01-2025 07:40
“Thank you, chef?”
@preraksh2632 04-01-2025 17:28
Thn. S
@stevenbahena5956 20-12-2024 09:48
@sethkaplan 13-12-2024 06:12
Commercial break😅
@Clift0n 20-10-2024 04:16
Why is the end cut out??
@agentfroggo807 12-10-2024 06:19
damm they cut the moment when Gideon plunge a knife at the contestant 😢
@ragustorichard 10-10-2024 11:22
I could have sworn he was originally stabbed in this sketch...