Key & Peele - Office Homophobe

22913775   193577   12362
A proudly gay man gets offended when a coworker raises some complaints about his behavior around the office.


@Dcastro718 12-03-2025 14:07
2025 and more accurate than ever
@pedrinhozortea 11-03-2025 10:01
this aged like a perfect true
@dcjohnson2490 09-03-2025 16:08
What shocked me most is that this came out in 2013. Definitely ahead of its time lol
@Lightmsgr 08-03-2025 23:45
Baby gurl
@MaceyTheWallflower 08-03-2025 06:04
Jordan cheek kissed that guy? What a coward.
@darrenmays2036 07-03-2025 02:37
This aged well
@pknadres8026 06-03-2025 22:18
Before this was satire now this is just a hopeful present day
@BradLR 06-03-2025 08:22
what homophobes think gay people are like vs what gay people are like...
@dezbro79 05-03-2025 10:20
Key and Peele doing Gods work lol
@linav6260 05-03-2025 02:51
That's not gay acting, that's black woman acting
@GrandDungeonDad 04-03-2025 23:57
This perfectly incapsulates what irritates me most about the current lgbq movement. Its not about being gay its about how much attention I can garner for playing at being gay.
@Storm3131-i6e 04-03-2025 09:02
@TakeshiIchikawa-o6m 03-03-2025 22:48
I want that whistle.
@coldzzzzxxxx 03-03-2025 15:44
they needed some coke
@Purp1eLovesPurple-j9b 03-03-2025 09:14
Where is the lie?!?!?
@robblequoffle8456 03-03-2025 01:54
I like how some words are censored, but not the lollicock, or anything else he has at his desk.
@jasonhernandez9146 02-03-2025 23:11
Tulsi gabbard would've fired him in a second.
@emmanuelvillagra9972 02-03-2025 00:23
This convey deeper meaning though
@chrisquiett1776 01-03-2025 23:15
"Can you just listen to some other gay music?" 😂 this skit is one of my favorites
@KHX274 01-03-2025 13:30
Even more true 11 years later.

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