$1 Million Custom Denver Home

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Check out this contemporary home worth one million dollars in Denver.


@StoneAndersonStudio 08-08-2008 08:45
Ew. I hate the exterior.
@fuzzywzhe 09-07-2008 00:00
Ugh. It looks like my office.
@jimdelriobkr 25-05-2008 19:34
fail. it's one thing to say it's worth a million, but it's only worth what you can sell it for.
@svlion1977 25-05-2008 18:02
1mill for that HAHAHAHA give me a break, im suprised he still isnt single, if i was a girl and saw that place i would think its a prison
@tvtechnicaldirector 25-05-2008 15:20
Fail. What a horrible exterior. The interior isn't anything to write home about either.
@remusblack 25-05-2008 03:58
that's really ugly
@dinoguan 21-05-2008 08:37

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