Julie Chen On Letterman (CBS News)
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Julie Chen went on "The Late Show" to chat with David Letterman about "Big Brother 8," the latest installment in the popular CBS reality-show series. (CBSNews.com)
@TheTruthfulAsshole 01-01-1970 08:00
The Chenbot is so lifelike.
@Chuckydeez831 01-01-1970 08:00
"butt first"
@garrettjsawyer 01-01-1970 08:00
@FuzzyJ4 she said "do you wan't "person x"... as in a variable...<_< lol
@frankopalantir 01-01-1970 08:00
I'm in love of Julie Chen
@QuartuvLarry 01-01-1970 08:00
A "showmance"? I'm not sure I like the sound of that. Not from the players' perspective. Devoid of genuine feeling and sincerity, as all relationships should NOT be...
@Pariah2001 01-01-1970 08:00
Must be nice to have friends/family in high places...I guess it also doesn't hurt to be smoking hot! LOLOL
@generatrix999 01-01-1970 08:00
Oh boy, my husband got me a TV show.
Fuck, Letterman interviewing the boss's wife, hard up for guests.
@ohisashiburi 01-01-1970 08:00
Cute but not as attractive as Anne Curry or Eun Yang..