Will You Watch Poor Shaming As Entertainment?

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America’s culture of cruel poor shaming reaches new heights with the disgusting new CBS reality show: The Briefcase. What is with America’s delusional relationship to poverty...This clip from the Majority Report, live M-F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FMDownload our FREE app: http://majorityapp.comSUPPORT the show by becoming a member: http://jointhemajorityreport.comandBUY all of your Amazon purchase thru our Amazon affiliate link: http://majorityreportkickback.comLIKE us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/MajorityReportFOLLOW us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MajorityFMSUBSCRIBE to us on YouTube: http://youtube.com/user/SamSederWATCH our LIVE show video stream: http://youtube.com/user/MajorityReportLIVE


@bobzelley5100 23-04-2023 07:16
Johnathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal "
@daniboy9198 04-12-2017 22:51
Geez, what a f*$ked up show... So, the only poor that deserve help are the "virtuous"? The thought that poor people need to learn a "lesson" makes me cringe... Hell, the whole concept of this show makes me shudder!
@SocialistIntrovert 30-05-2017 12:25
If no one had an analytical viewpoint about this show, I would have ate the show up like any mind controlled American could.
@TheJonnyEnglish 03-06-2016 00:49
this is fucked up
@kappa8koin 02-03-2016 09:27
that roaring scream 'STAAAPH"! was perfect
@usukatlifegodiekthx 22-12-2015 08:02
Something tells me this show wouldn't work in Denmark.
@catbuffalo 15-06-2015 14:13
The minstrel show of our day.
@pierrotclowns9235 13-06-2015 10:23
I would much rather see them just take 100k and turn a persons life around. Now that would be quality. Sort of like a before and after moment.
@JamieRobles1 12-06-2015 05:17
why does the fight theme from the original star trek started playing in my head while i was watching this?
@hoss3777 06-06-2015 21:56
@devourerofbabies 06-06-2015 20:20
Our civilization deserves to fall.
@thedrcopperhead 06-06-2015 11:02
Can someone give me a hand cleaning up all this vomit?
@TheEvilChipmunk 06-06-2015 04:39
Televised Cruelty for the masses... truly we live in blessed times.

Pardon me, I must go vomit now.
@jtbrad 06-06-2015 03:15
Who the fuck are these people to decide if one family is more deserving than another?
@BottleConcreteBlond 06-06-2015 00:47
This looks appalling.  I really don't watch reality shows except for Top Chef and Project Runway (which are really more competitions than reality shows), but this sounds truly offensive.
@TKStoddart 06-06-2015 00:06
When will the show where minimum wage workers storm their corporate overlords' mansion and lynch him be on?
@Nethr 05-06-2015 23:04
No, I won't. I find this extremely morally repulsive.
@JChang0114 05-06-2015 23:01
So Mr. Seder? What have you done to help the poor? Do you enjoy any luxery good? How about volunteer work?

Typical limousine liberal.
@barbtube01 05-06-2015 22:34
I guarantee this will be a hit with the 1% crowd.
Cynthia, "Come to the television Thurston and watch the peasants grovel for the trinkets".
@LC_1018 05-06-2015 19:25
More television for the brain dead-- I won't be watching this crap.

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