Key & Peele - Proud Thug
20411566 144020 6633
A Latino gang trying to hold a meeting struggles against the stubbornness of one of its much-too-proud members.
@jqsqueue 10-03-2025 01:07
Carlito always standing on business
@samseed666 01-03-2025 21:58
Still funny in 2025
@carlosrobles5591 27-02-2025 13:14
"I'm going to sit 'gangster'" Hahaha lol
@_yasugoi 18-02-2025 02:42
Who does know the old version of this clip ? Lol
@aaj2656 16-02-2025 02:48
Anyone watching this in 2025 😂😂
@mikegla1746 14-02-2025 01:06
Oh boy.
@whewr69420 06-02-2025 17:01
bro is the real chill guy
@chessplayercharlesv 06-02-2025 09:34
one of the best skits ever
@heidirawli 05-02-2025 06:32
I lost it at 1:56
@seyieyhokha9117 01-02-2025 16:17
It’s like the gang had to bear every inch of his stupidness 😂😂😂
@Kingofmycastle6 29-01-2025 20:32
@samirullahussain 27-01-2025 04:18
One of the twins
@xINSAN1TYx 27-01-2025 03:08
The Salamanca brother before they went after Hank and Walt
@Just_Biscuit_Gaming 26-01-2025 14:30
it took me years to realize that the paramedics were attempting to revive Carlito as he laid on top of drugs lol. They had weapons and money laying everywhere lol
@Takeitlightly6 16-01-2025 23:21
Vatos locos forever
@ppaulonpeople5143 16-01-2025 04:00
This is 100th times watching this 😂
@pedagogiadacultura4699 14-01-2025 08:38
@michaelhorwitz7933 13-01-2025 12:28
Anyone ever noticed that one of the guys is one of the hitmen from breaking bad?
@mikejones-oo1su 12-01-2025 17:05
Its the Carlitos Way 😂
@bluedude7445 11-01-2025 06:52
The most mellow cholo I've ever seen XD