Vizi Imre - How come, how long, on the Voice of Romania

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Vizi Imre's performance on The Voice of Romania, season 2, episode 11.© PRO TV and Media Vision. All rights reserved to the production company.Uploaded to YouTube in terms of fair use. No copyright infringement intended.Supporters: Maria SomerhHost: Pavel BartoşCoaches: Horia Brenciu, Loredana Groza, Andrei 'Smiley' Maria, Marius MogaBroadcast on : 28 november 2012


@eleiordache 21-10-2013 22:06
stiu cum e experimentat si eu asta...
@27zwagger 18-04-2013 06:13
how come how long stevie wonder&babyface
@draKuMaximus 29-03-2013 23:38
NAme of the song..pls reply! :)
@AndreeaWinchester 30-01-2013 15:59
Even he won the second prise that's doesn't means that he is not good. Julie was the best.
@jianyegu2321 22-01-2013 04:10
@SuperAdorableKitten 08-01-2013 23:30
cel mai mult mi-a placut de Vizi ... :) foarte frumos canta :) ... pacat...
@mabelsee2492 27-12-2012 05:45
degeaba? E copyright, o sa ti-l stearga si pe asta.
@OTJacus 23-12-2012 18:06
Hajrá Imre - jó kis hangod van ! csókoltatlak MO-ról
@Zizudavid4241 16-12-2012 19:19
Yeahhhh! Super, sint foarte mandru ca avem asemenea talente in Romania!
@Alexx07776 16-12-2012 17:51
I. Vizi II. Scobiola III. Julie
@VDA19 16-12-2012 08:40
El e vocea.
@raduadi 16-12-2012 03:05
zsolt tata, toti sintem sint roman si am multi prieteni maghiari si oameni de lasam politica si timpeniile de genul asta.politicienii baga timpenii si unii pun botul.relaxeaza-te, respira profund si asculta o voce mare....vizi imre.bravo vizi
@gabymaior 15-12-2012 17:34
El e Vocea!!!!!!
@VDA19 15-12-2012 06:59
Sper sa castige.
@bubuianuflorin9040 13-12-2012 18:11
Bv vizi
@Maniacu23 12-12-2012 17:49
e o costumatie mai veche de lord englez
@rodicescu 12-12-2012 17:28
Da vizi este deosebit. Va fi foarete greu de ales "Vocea Romaniei" Sunt atat de talentati toti semifinalistii.
@marika2222us 12-12-2012 03:54
Vizi Imre szuper vagy. Milyen jo hogy nem vagy no es nem vagy szoke.. Szuper hogy kopasz vagy meg szemuveges meg pocakos
@robiolic 12-12-2012 03:08
faina piesa. dar costumul ala :))) e evreu?
@yeronim 10-12-2012 19:29
Vizi Imre la RTL Klub...... search - Vizi Imre és Molnár József - Lélekdonor

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