Cristi Nistor - Lady In Red ('The Voice' Romania 2012)

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@Артур-ъ4щ7я 01-03-2025 03:13
Классно !!!
@rockywaters9592 07-01-2025 01:35
The multiple girls is everything this song isn't about, well sang but odd stage production.
@AlbertoPirrotta 09-02-2023 03:27
Great voice, super man !!!
@marianechifor5620 20-01-2023 05:20
Minunată voce și interpretare!!!!se aseamănă cu Iulian Nunuca, cel ce-a câștigat Vocea României din sezonul ăsta.
Cantou lindamente!!
@gbadapipi 04-02-2022 15:20
Love this version of the song... Too good...
@Jhunter-pc 03-02-2022 06:23
@Tokio2008 01-01-2022 16:50
I got many girlfriends by dedicate this song to them
@Tokio2008 01-01-2022 16:49
Beautiful dancers
@Tokio2008 01-01-2022 16:48
Sounds like better than original singer
@TheZenMicro 17-06-2020 20:20
Spot on dude! I don't know if you moved on to the next stage or won but you did this one great!
@monadianaasaftei5107 02-05-2020 18:48
Superb! Superb! 👏👏👏❤️
@v6bears845 28-05-2019 22:22
@boborusu4035 28-02-2019 03:02
Pur si simplu sublim!!
Bravo, Cristi! Ar trebui sa fii mult mai sus...pacat de vocea si frumusetea ta!!
@carlaayres6877 16-11-2017 20:03
@aryannamel7211 12-07-2017 11:13
@DoarTedy 25-01-2016 08:08
mmm, se cam aud niste efecte in voce...e la tv, se intelege, trebuie sa fie perfect.
@jonnygti 05-12-2015 22:32
Wow what a voice, he sounds just like Chris De Burgh!
@jcyt0511 24-09-2015 15:09
@julianvillanueva7746 09-08-2015 06:23
best is lady
 in red the voice chile =)

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