Jon Stewart: How the Fake Newsman Won Over America

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Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) -- BLOOMBERG GAME CHANGERS profiles Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, now Jon Stewart, from his New Jersey boyhood through the standard struggle of the stand-up comedian - part time jobs and late night gigs at New York's comedy clubs. It will shine a spotlight on his early television shows and movies, including rare video from his early career, to show his transformation into the dominant American commentator of our time. (Source: Bloomberg)


@feralbluee 05-02-2025 06:29
I really miss Walter Cronkite - his mellifluous voice, his calm, his warmth, and real reporting. I remember when he came out against the war. There was also Huntley Brinkley, but Cronkite was the one you went to in a crisis. I’ll never forget him when Kennedy was assassinated. Never. 🥀
@DentArthurDent68 20-10-2024 15:59
It's no mistake that Stewart is back behind the desk on Mondays, we need him.
@patrickgilmore4602 08-09-2024 08:31
John for USA. Appreciate all the effort.
@paulmcdonough9595 27-08-2024 04:57
I am from the UK and I only became aware of Jon since he returned to TDS in 2017, I had no idea he has been a legend for so long. It’s such a shame that I now discover that his presence as the host of TDS is temporary 😢

And I think he looks great in his current era, am I a bit strange?
@susiejohnson4530 22-08-2024 19:44
WOW!! that TITLE!! "How the FAKE NEWSMAN Won Over America"!! I don't think he's FAKE NEWS ANYMORE--he was HILARIOUS on SNL though. SO much better that the "NEWS" people, since Harry Reasoner and that other guy who cried on LIVE TV when the clip of the charred bodies of the rescue team , that crashed 2 helicopters during the night mission to rescue the AMERICAN'S from the American Consulate? in IRAN were captured-during the Carter Admin. . LOVED that man!! ANYWAY, Jon Stewart has WON OVER AMERICA, although most already loved him from SNL didn't we? I watched SNL for his "news show" part. I just catchup on the REAL news by watching THE JON STEWART SHOW.
@Garfieldusa 22-07-2024 09:26
Daily Beast fake far lefties news
@tommyrenegado7205 19-07-2024 13:16
Love Jon Stewart; he’s humble and down to earth
@CaseyLatimer-xu5vm 11-07-2024 07:41
This is the guy that should be running for president.
@brianruzek5487 06-07-2024 02:55
These days, the only ‘talking heads’ that are genuine and trustworthy are comedians, beginning with Jon Stewart
@edwardquiroz3193 03-07-2024 06:37
But don’t forget Jordan Clapper. He is hilarious but he’s right spot on too.
Oh how the mighty have fallen
@zenmanyo35 19-06-2024 05:12
Jon Steward is a capitalist who got rich selling Marxist ideas to those who can least afford it.
@cindy_kbt 12-06-2024 07:09
Love you man💙 We need a voice!
@atengawolsrep 07-06-2024 11:19
Never knew he was so handsome, downright beautiful. Still very goodlookin.g
@HenryCasillas 21-04-2024 23:15
@martinwhalley3286 05-04-2024 13:45
I think John Stewart figured out what really happened on 9/11. Too many inconsistencies He believed the Firefighters and defended them as the Bush Admin prayed he wouldn't make Trump the future, 2nd President to be criminally prosecuted
@shanecomeback8296 04-04-2024 22:36
Just another biased lefty.
@EternalLife42 29-03-2024 20:45
Yes they're going to tell how corrupt they are and how they didn't present the news and stead focused on terrorizing the all my life so they can hang around Donald Trump and correct

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