Valerie Jarrett Makes Cameo on CBS Drama 'The Good Wife'

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@wokndedfan413 06-09-2017 04:58
Too bad that this good show has a bunch of Marxist communists appearing on it.
@phlather 12-11-2014 02:48
ahhh Valerie Jarrett the slum lord
@drchungj 30-09-2014 23:41
"Share my thoughts?" Ok. Let's see...

propaganda apparatus
@ImaWarmFuzzy 30-09-2014 08:53
Why would anyone be surprised to see this?  Who watches this show anyway?  One sure fire way to put this in the tank is bring up anyone that works for Barry.. Past, Present or Future..
@jakelakota3010 30-09-2014 06:59
I didn't think she was THAT bad. She sounded like an old valley girl and it is hard to talk into a phone when there is nothing on the other end. Try it sometime. Then again, maybe it isn't so hard for her since she is constantly talking to her BOY BIRAQ
@YouGotEnoughFreebies 30-09-2014 04:31
OH BROTHER !! This is pathetic XD
@DavidHunter711 30-09-2014 03:53
She's not really a political hack, but she plays one on TV?
@DRTYFN 30-09-2014 03:39
I'll bet Valerie decided she was going to give herself this guest appearance because she's so important. F*ck CBS for being such pansies and giving in. 
@AlpineMusicSchool 30-09-2014 02:48
NWO Whore.
@MacGirvan 30-09-2014 01:22
@shamrock2318 29-09-2014 23:47
Why you never hear much about evil Val? She's Iranian, and she finds it hard to relate to they hide her. Obummer finds it hard to relate to Americans too, as he spent most of his formative years in the middle east. The enemies are truly within. And this is why I watch zero TV...propaganda stuck in overdrive 24/7. Eat a giant Shit Sandwich CBS!
@michaelvictor1401 29-09-2014 22:58
Hollyweird and there marry band of political wanna-bes.  BTW its all theatrics.
@tommysmallss 29-09-2014 22:56
I'd feel violated and abused if she ever called me and said 'good job'.  I wouldn't want any praise from a sociopath like her. 
@Jethro212 29-09-2014 22:55
How did she know I was running?  Oh my boss spies on everyone.
@TrueBagPipeRock 29-09-2014 20:51
She blew Chicago cops pension money on a land deal that went south when Chicago did not get the Olympics. To see her smile pretending to be a good person is reprehensible. I disgusted at the silence of the cops on this and on CBS support for this crook.
@satxusa 29-09-2014 20:10
One of the perks of being powerful is to have an opportunity to both get on television and then have people tell you what a great act/or/ress you are. In this case the former is real and the later isn't.
@ReidBaerPoetry 29-09-2014 13:33
She's so bad it's funny :)
@AndreaMN 29-09-2014 12:42
@pfjk47 29-09-2014 12:20
God help us!
@forktonguehussein625 29-09-2014 12:02
stinky crotched whorebag

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