3012109 2177 3272
Hostages appear to leave the Bataclan concert hall as siege ends with two attackers reportedly having been killed
3012109 2177 3272
2156892 1697 1610
1384186 9222 945
2157508 1889 561
1380153 617 410
1860009 2316 347
1610370 1869 1401
2664963 12284 3438
3508925 4121 4165
1902053 2294 3121
3264581 0 0
2701646 0 0
4209638 14753 0
1066079 0 0
1635730 0 0
1154354 2224 0
2025140 7472 0
Who knew??
This was NOT a hostage situation, their were no demands on the site of the attackers, and there were NO negotiations going at ANY point.
So WHY didn't the police storm WAY earlier?
The reasons for these attacks are to find in the region's geographical, cultural and political history, not the religion. The world is never so simple.
I'm sure some Christians and Muslims have more in common than with some from their own faiths.