Dennis Rodman Sings Happy Birthday To BFF Kim Jong-Un
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Former US basketball star Dennis Rodman has led a team of retired American players in a game to celebrate the birthday of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.The match in North Korean capital Pyongyang is described by organisers as a "birthday present" for Mr Kim, who attended along with his wife and other senior members of the regime.The colourful sportsman sang Happy Birthday to the leader, but his side were defeated by the North Korean players chosen to play them.
@ClaravallOrganization 29-07-2024 11:47
Jordan is mad at Scottie, Scottie’s mad at Jordan, Rodman is friends with Kim Jong Un. Geez
@nonkwantabisa 04-06-2024 01:35
Old men playing with their 4year old grandsons.
@hoonchoi95 10-04-2024 09:36
Anyone else here after JRE with Dan Soder??
@D9_R7_ 26-01-2024 09:49
How have i never seen this
@cbeav7061 28-06-2023 10:47
Lovely people!❤
@HoneyBadgerforJesus 09-06-2023 09:20
Dennis is a hero
@KennyCleod 09-12-2022 15:15
Man that crayyyy
@dcollier7239 10-10-2022 12:01
Kennedy and Putin get Marilyn. Kim cum-soon gets Rodman This is embarrassing not only singing to a brutal dictator but a man.
@Command-mv2nk 25-09-2022 02:17
Kim jong UN 👏👏👏👏
@knowworth6802 13-07-2022 08:58
I thought this was a Family Guy skit.
@MustangBobGT 20-05-2022 19:38
Don't come back
@sherry356 10-05-2022 22:59
NBA vs midgets lol.
@josephfarrier3978 10-05-2022 20:13
This is awesome i love rodzilla so much
@garridomiguel55 30-04-2022 21:03
@abaoalfredovm.4560 22-04-2022 02:22
Do North Korean people know about Rodman? Cause they do not have access to NBA and other entertainment right?
@SippingandSpilling 26-03-2022 19:55
Lmfao this is so cringe
@jay1970 26-03-2022 08:01
I don’t en like Dennis Rodman but his performance was embarrassing
@jayp123 28-02-2022 07:08
This is the most cringe video I've seen on youtube.
@MontyQueues 14-02-2022 01:15
interesting how a ball of rubber can be the difference between global nuclear fallout
@fuckchocouch 27-01-2022 00:18
They definitely blew loud let’s be real ppl