Eden Hazard Kicks Ballboy At Swansea V Chelsea Match

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The ballboy who was kicked by Chelsea star Eden Hazard after refusing to let go of a ball had earlier joked about "timewasting" in a tweet.Hazard has apologised for the kick during his losing side's Capital One Cup semi-final against Swansea last night and he is not facing criminal charges.http://news.sky.com/story/1042073/chelsea-kick-ballboy-made-timewasting-joke


@CaptainBlueShell 25-01-2025 22:56
Ball Boy won in the end! That Ball Boy is actually Charlie Morgan.... he cofounded and co-owns 'Au Vodka' and is a multimillionaire and is only getting more rich today... which ALSO means it's more than likely that Hazard drinks or has drank his Vodka.....
@Goatku.B.Ushiromiya 25-01-2025 03:10
Respect 🫡 Hazard 🗿☠️😈
@alexvalentino2227 24-01-2025 14:11
It was clear the ballboy was partial 😂 and got his ribs kicked 😂😂😂
@janus909 20-01-2025 18:46
That ball boy had the final laugh as it wont be long until he's worth more than the whole Chelsea team put together being the co owner of AU Vodka!
@ceemor3404 16-01-2025 18:06
Ball boy deserved,though 😂😂😂
@mrtorpedokl 27-12-2024 23:11
good job hazard!!
@simonbeddis9658 15-12-2024 00:07
He now owns AU Vodka!!!
@0BudgetShorts 29-10-2024 17:41
Why do I see comments hating the ball boy
@blackwolf-hd8cl 13-09-2024 08:22
Fatto bene il raccattapalle faceva il figlio di puttana
@Tryme69 19-08-2024 01:07
Ball boy sees the ball is needed proceeds to fall on top of ball and being overweight can’t pick his self off the ball
@Tryme69 19-08-2024 01:06
Ball boy doesn’t have an athletic bone in his body
@channelname9468 16-08-2024 05:18
Justified and satisfying. Never a red.
@thefattesthagrid 02-08-2024 16:22
Would've kicked him aswell... what goes through your mind when "bodyshielding" a soccer ball in the heat of a match?
@Myhonestreaction69 30-07-2024 03:06
And that’s why Ronaldo is the goat
@beboshi69 25-07-2024 21:25
A timeless classic.
@finflow73 13-07-2024 22:46
Can't believe Hazard and the "Ball Boy" reunited before GTA 6.
@maxstein2011 12-07-2024 11:59
The ballboy f**ked around and found out! 😂
@graemeorr8121 11-05-2024 14:54
Just drove behind a Renault, in Australia. Number plate: H4ZARD.
In small letters at bottom of plate: 'Ezerdinho > Swansea Ball Boy'.
@SabaKassmarcis 09-05-2024 20:36
That's why no one supports hazard.
@JoJo-xk6vy 08-05-2024 20:46
He barely touched him

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