11856552 22836 25130
"CBS News RAW": Teenager Chris Chike is the number 1 ranked Guitar Hero III player in the world. Guinness World Records awarded him with a certificate in New York City. (CBSNews.com)
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Please sign for people who didn't get the game until 2013.
My parents didn't like my music growing up. My Mom didn't care though, "listen to what you like", she'd say. Secure person. My Dad would openly criticize it and mock it. Very Insecure person. Insecure that what he grew up on was no longer the social norm, his values and tastes were fading into obscurity, he needed to belittle things he didn't like to validate his own thoughts.
Every person here who hates on this guy for being a "loser", "virgin" and "lol play a real guitar" falls into the second category. I don't like guitar hero, I find it boring. But kudos to this guy for liking it and becoming dam good at it.