Key & Peele - Slap-Ass

19039665   112743   5469
A baseball team stages an intervention when a player goes too far with his congratulatory ass-slapping.


@2Kid1K0ala5 16-02-2025 21:28
0:31 NOOOOO!!! 😂
@wendellwhite5369 28-12-2024 11:52
427 times 😂
@RedSntDK 25-10-2024 14:59
That last part is a reference to a movie or series, I'm quite sure of it, because it's also parodied in "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood"
@Mubarak-yp9yz 28-06-2024 16:15
What...??? Why not?!?!?!😐😂😂😂
@erninxberald9762 04-06-2024 12:56
Ohh no 😂😂😂❤
@i.g.7020 25-05-2024 21:18
@RRRRRRRRR33 13-05-2024 14:16
2:36 that acting, lol
@mafyothu89 28-04-2024 18:18
to get me on my feet 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Pemakachopa 16-04-2024 03:24
Combo 100
Action 100
Fun 100
Sorry I give 100/100
to the movie could get inspired by key and peele😂😂😂
@Abyfresh523gmail 15-04-2024 01:04
Enough of Whaaaaa
@abenex89 23-02-2024 00:40
I thought the rules are confusing, but 427 times is a lot 😂
@DvnnyG14 11-01-2024 03:53
At the end, he was impersonating DiCaprio in The Basketball Diares scene. Took me a while to realize it, but he nailed it though.
@shannon-zw6yg 21-09-2023 15:25
Colon cleansing teas bathe bravo teas
@woleakinbi69 20-09-2023 05:10
"Okay, you right. I know you right abbboouutt it." Took me out!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@UCHIHAMADARA-hx7eq 15-07-2023 00:14
Athletes play football, Gentlemen play Cricket, now i know who plays baseball.....
@santos24x 24-05-2023 10:15
@kurtjetson1284 22-03-2023 04:55
1:28 Something about him seemed so familiar then I realised he is Miguel from This Is Us.
@2jones4jesus 04-03-2023 05:30
The ole "I'm cool, I'm fine, I get it" fake out then attack has worked for me in many fights as well. LoL 😂
@el_mal_de_ojo 19-02-2023 02:27
"I know you right abouuut it..." how everyone kept a straight face through this is a mystery to me, I lose it every time.
@samuelkirika56 18-02-2023 21:53
he just overdid his thing

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