Key & Peele - McCringleberry's Excessive Celebration

19088435   89890   2701
A referee at a Rhinos game refuses to give Hingle McCringleberry a break when it comes to ruling his latest touchdown celebration excessive.


@okplld 19-02-2025 02:20
Officials ruining the game again!
@dnavarro972 12-02-2025 17:16
3:00 died laughing
@alexandrekambala6309 10-02-2025 18:53
That rookie out of pen state😂😂😂
@timinatr99 10-02-2025 17:11
Eagles be like 😂
@Dunesoccer 10-02-2025 04:39
2:29 even #25 is fed up lol
@Dunesoccer 10-02-2025 04:37
Too funny, can’t believe they did this whole skit lol
@blconant 01-02-2025 11:18
Shoutout Drew Carter
@davidthomas8260 04-03-2025 20:16
The East-West game in Dallas was on the NFL network last night. All I could think about was Key & Peele's spin on this game.
@showtimeac37 31-01-2025 14:59
@ToxicSpork 30-01-2025 03:26
Can we just appreciate how well choreographed the football is for a sketch comedy show. That's better than some movies
@And_nobody-else 22-01-2025 22:41
Who does he think he is? Hingle McCringleberry?
@martian1575 22-01-2025 08:42
2012 east west bowl was crazy
@nahzareth 19-01-2025 18:13
jameson williams: that’s only two pumps!
@adaumus 19-01-2025 15:11
Who’s here in 2025 because Jameson Williams only did 2 pumps in the end zone vs Commanders in the playoffs?
@DevonSherwood 19-01-2025 14:00
Who’s here after Jameson Williams got two pumps in during Lions v Commanders?
@nolski6727 19-01-2025 10:33
Who’s here after Jameson Williams touchdown against the Commanders?
@nolski6727 19-01-2025 10:31
@litoxxlito_axx7318 14-01-2025 23:56
To think a decade later, this stuff is still hilarious let’s me know I’m still alive
@cdhui 08-01-2025 02:28
Long gone are the days when excessive celebration penalties were as rare as pass interference calls
@brianshaughnessy4020 03-01-2025 03:14
This is a mild NFL celebration today. And there would be no flag.

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