Another Satisfied Client of Saul Goodman: Badger -- Better Call Saul Webisode

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Thanks to Saul Goodman, Badger is back out on the street. Thanks Saul!AMC : Bad : on Facebook : on Twitter : Up for the AMC Newsletter : to the AMC YouTube Channel :


@d9zirable 29-01-2025 02:05
@LostInPhilly89 21-05-2024 13:40
240p... what is this, 2008? 🤦‍♂
@Hossein_70s 16-09-2023 20:14
Am i the only one into the intro and ending song?
@lazulilift 30-08-2023 03:30
@naiastra 25-07-2023 12:24
where's my badger origin story
@penvelope 20-07-2023 09:16
I love Badger lol. Helicopters and shit
@maskedmarvyl4774 09-07-2023 02:11
"The law can be slippery". I didn't make the connection between that and 'Slppin' Jimmy", but the other commenters did!
@maskedmarvyl4774 09-07-2023 02:07
Attorney commercials are almost like this today.
Hablamos Español!
@BenedictusLatos 24-03-2023 22:43
What is the background music title?
@naza1554 21-03-2023 11:17
Jodio be like
@ferofferd 03-03-2023 14:30
man is living in GTA SA
@sirgabealot01 08-01-2023 14:26
“The law can be slippery. Let Slippin’ Jimmy handle it for you”
@WJINTL 08-01-2023 00:28
My boss accused me of stealing, you know what I did?

I stole his tie

Then I called saul!
@duckyman1755 12-11-2022 10:05
burnin stuff like- like trash badger not even realizing burning trash is illegal
@kirbyleggington7205 31-10-2022 06:11
Badger was one of my favorite characters. For a drug dealer he was pretty pure
@djhbr 16-10-2022 03:36
Not sure he was a cop, Cop.
@lyonsson6480 01-10-2022 00:01
And remember boys and girls, cops are allowed to lie about weather or not they are cops lol!
@yahya2092 30-09-2022 02:52
Better call Saul
@ciic1 28-09-2022 05:39
Nice ❤
@coomworth3607 29-08-2022 11:08
Can't believe one of the best hitmen west of the Mississippi is walking free.

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