Obama forgets to salute

36909463   46452   10849
President Obama forgot to salute when he boarded Marine One. He later realized his mistake and went back to the Marine. For more CNN videos, visit our site at http://www.cnn.com/video/


0:27 😊
@Nessa97Tv 03-01-2025 06:51
How is this CNN's most watched video on Youtube -_-
@JanneTrabantti 02-01-2025 05:16
@Udansha 01-01-2025 00:18
He forgot because he is foreign born, an invader
@deanmashburn6829 31-12-2024 04:39
That's the best president we had in a long time probably since Ronald Reagan
@gugu2-p5u 30-12-2024 20:34
Love you Obama
@JohnMueller-q6k 30-12-2024 05:05
He did that a lot.
@뀨뀨이잉-j5g 30-12-2024 02:21
여기 한국에는 머저리같은 윤석열이 있습니다
@lamontbonman1330 29-12-2024 14:29
Wow the good Ole days!
@markwoods4439 29-12-2024 13:46
People came down on him like this was the worse thing ever. But you see Obama came back an apologize like a true gentleman 😁
@justathought6388 29-12-2024 09:59
Piece of crap!!! All the way!😅
@officialayushsenapati 27-12-2024 09:20
ice cream
@jibzzztm 27-12-2024 05:40
How is this on CNN
@jwwilliam6333 26-12-2024 09:43
lol....the way Obama walks down and then back up again was like "it's all cool, no harm done"
@kilobitti 26-12-2024 03:47
Humanity <3
@arohisharma16 26-12-2024 01:50
@MLBrooks-g3u 25-12-2024 22:40
I thought you only saluted if YOU were in uniform too.
@thommys.6240 25-12-2024 22:26
Respekt dem Soldaten gegenüber, auch die Piloten werden mit Handschlag begrüßt. kein Hexenwerk aber das sind die kleinen Dinge, die im Leben helfen. Ein vernünftiger Umgang miteinander, egal wie groß oder klein,wie Reich wie Arm, Schwarz oder weiß, Erfolgreich oder nicht.Das ist nicht zuviel verlangt und eine freundliche, respektvolle Geste zählt mehr als tausend Worte
@harshpotdar08 25-12-2024 17:02
Why YouTube recommended this after trump won election😂

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