Creating a Haunted House-Fine Living

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Turn your home into the creepiest Halloween place with these easy ideas. This video is part of Fine Living Essentials show SHOW DESCRIPTION :Helpful hints are offered throughout the day on FINE LIVING Network in segments called Fine Living Essentials. These one-minute pieces are filled with ideas, information and a whole lot of inspiration. From the proper way to taste wine to drag racing, from how to evaluate a charity to how to make the perfect bed, FINE LIVING has hundreds of Essentials. The information covers five categories: Adventure, Everyday, Favorite Things, Personal Space and Transportation.


@LALAKERS8 30-07-2010 16:37
@Thevideopyramidhead1 fuck u
@PudgyPooch 18-10-2009 05:39
Looks more like an abandoned house than a Haunted one. lol Though that would freak the crap out of me if I saw a spider on the toilet paper. It would only take me like 10 seconds to stop screaming and realize it was fake.. lol
@creepyh0ll0w 23-08-2009 04:19
very simple and effective.
@lovinghatredOXY 28-10-2008 04:33
yeah..NON TOXIC you just said it -_- ...>.> sheesh just used a condom if your scared of latex powder

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