Airport Travel Tips
70948 163 8
Don't let long airport lines and cramped quarters get the best of you.
@BritishFoodGuide 17-08-2016 04:46
Does the presenter have a mental illness?
@nickgold4111 06-07-2015 21:38
3.4 oz or less for the liquids.
@anjaliramkeesoon9323 18-06-2014 12:13
What do I do if I have a lay over in another country? Like say I travel from the caribbean to America. Have an 8 hour layover then go to vienna. What do I do with my immigration forms and stuff?
@jenjourneys 05-01-2014 03:08
For starters, good job with this travel tips video! Second of all I have to ask that you look over my recent you tube video because i have recently started making video footage on airport parking tips and would truly welcome any comments. I do wish you the best for 2014, I'll look forward to keeping an eye on a lot more of your videos.
@MrHypnofan 26-01-2012 14:18
Ah, the now defunct Fine Living Network. You guys should have never cancelled three-sheets
@phishdad 06-07-2010 14:36
yall sound like sissy boys