Time Warp - Face Punch

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Watch Time Warp Wednesdays at 8 pm ET. http://go.discovery.com/?mkcpgn=ytdsc1&url=http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/time-warp/ What happens when you're socked in the jaw? UFC fighter Kenny Florian uses his trainer Mark DellaGrotte to demonstrate.


@W10_01 06-08-2021 23:13
gl these comments are soo old im the first one commenting in five years
@JRabba1995 18-02-2016 03:36
That's a vulgar display of power right there
@ephraim416 20-12-2015 14:47
Let conor mcgregor punch him
@mozfan2436 10-11-2015 08:46
kinda looks like a skinny George Zimmerman
@BF703 14-10-2014 07:03
mwtk deligrade
@10510rocker 05-03-2014 05:32
@MrCheesyBaconBits 14-02-2014 04:57
He took a punch in the face just we could see it in slow motion what a man XD
@CharlieBladeRemus 08-11-2013 06:27
That nigga eats punches like that for breakfast. LIKE A BOSS!
@Niskara 21-10-2013 06:11
Fucker didn't even blink
Nigga's like "bitch wouldn't dare hit me a second time"
@NOMcSame08 12-10-2013 06:51
he didn't blink because he is so bad ass he doesn't blink when getting punch in the side of the face, he just get pissed off
@parkergriffith4778 08-09-2013 08:23
I thought that said punch
@bellevernon15012 19-08-2013 09:44
he looks better now
@xxsimpsxx9 13-08-2013 12:12
Did they tell him they would pay him more if he did not blink?
@JoshLikeCrazy 09-08-2013 11:28
why did he not blink the whole time
@levimalatesta1550 04-08-2013 07:01
His ear!!!!
@fraxjamakasi7142 21-05-2013 00:20
@DeanK1905 02-05-2013 05:20
Fearless bastard didn't even blink
@frankbravo1573 24-04-2013 11:26
look at his nose bend lol
@sawsher99 27-03-2013 21:56
@animaticousspain he's a boxer... have to look for nex punch

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