Shark Expert Attacked While Filming

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Watch more sharks on Discovery Channel! filming bull sharks, a shark specialist gets a bite on the calf.


@garywinkworth3380 23-02-2025 10:54
serve your self right humans always trying to interfear with wild animals we all have our place and ours is on land
@cliverobertson6277 17-02-2025 10:11
"Works with them everyday"..........keep repeating that same sentence and the realization of stupidity starts to marinate.....😂😂😂
@shannon916 13-02-2025 13:23
Bull sharks are known for being unpredictable and man eaters wow you could not pay me enough money to do that.
@Maciiik89 09-02-2025 00:56
Dumb ways to die
@canadianmeatpie8245 16-01-2025 05:18
Nothing I could have done, don't go in the water
@charlesszeles6609 13-01-2025 06:24
He was not aware that a shark was behind him when 2 minutes prior he agreed that we surrounding by a dozen bull shark up to 450 lbs that is an expert 😅 time to change job mate😂
@alfiefowler3306 12-01-2025 13:23
Rip Erich Ritter
@scotthamilton3469 05-01-2025 08:32
Expert on the menu
@johnbrown4949 23-12-2024 22:04
Cameraman understands the assignment.
@anothergymkid9242 23-12-2024 07:18
It was on ur leg for 20 seconds before biting
@jonwilliam4548 18-12-2024 22:10
When you’ll do anything to keep a job; like interviewing a guy in thigh deep water surrounded by huge bull sharks.
@jonwilliam4548 18-12-2024 22:05
When a shark expert realizes he’s not much more than a hobbyist.
@boogerfarmer 30-11-2024 22:38
Somehow he still can't admit that sharks attack humans for no reason.
@raven3946 13-11-2024 10:08
i also know they take bites to check things out so i wont bother swimming with aggresive big ones
@DocHolliday3841 06-11-2024 15:24
How about wearing special pants with spikes?
@Taco_Raider 09-10-2024 16:08
Intelligence personified.
@haycockjeff 29-09-2024 04:31
Lol. Bull sharks can be aggressive hunters.

“They aren’t interested in me if I stand still”

“Arrrg! It’s biting my leg”

@Gigrunt887 07-09-2024 21:33
Its because the water became murkey
@shellback99 01-09-2024 14:32
Play with fire long enough you’ll get burned
@Neil0014 15-08-2024 18:14
Ritter said it was Nigel's fault but Nigel was standing still.

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