Top 10 Horror Movie Jump Scares

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There's nothing like a good old-fashioned big screen jump scare to get the heart pumping. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 horror movie jump scares. Click here to subscribe: or visit our channel page here: Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at :)Check us out at, and Special thanks to our users Andrew A. Dennison, Gamerchick21, Ralphvalejoshua Ibit Solidum, Josh Catlin, Conrailfan2323, thetattooedyoshi, troll, Ken Polenio and meneertje25 for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at out the voting page here, you want to suggest an idea for a WatchMojo video, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at :)Want a WatchMojo cup, mug, t-shirts, pen, sticker and even a water bottle? Get them all when you order your MojoBox gift set here: is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about.We update DAILY with 2-3 Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Versus clips on movies, video games, music, pop culture and more!


@Anonymous-jw3mk 15-10-2024 07:52
The first exorcist had that demon face flash which was worse.
@dRiDept 30-08-2024 23:11
Paranormal Activity when he opens the door and the devil worship woman is right in your face! Might have been number 3 ?
@kahnpaish5611 16-07-2024 18:42
It’s criminal that “lawn work” from sinister isn’t on here
@huntermyers3551 11-06-2024 03:06
All of the horror movie jump-scares are the scariest
If writers would put in more effort, they wouldn't need the use of a jump scare. When the thing that makes us jump isn't even the horrific image, it's the sudden blast of blaring music/score. If you need to rely on the overused jump scare trope. 1. It's not going to be a very good horror movie, 2. Maybe write other things than horror.
@AlphaNanite 21-01-2024 05:59
What about The Silence?
@daviddoran9552 03-11-2023 00:05
Gollum in lord of the rings 😆
@daviddoran9552 19-10-2023 23:07
Every scene in exorcist 1973 is scarier than the so called jump scare in legion ,rewatch the whole movie of the exorcist
@Mac_Kymera 09-10-2023 19:32
Can someone enlighten me how the The Exorcist III jump scare is seen as a jump scare? I never flinched when I first watched it and don't see how it can viewed as a jump scare. The camera zooming in right before gave it away. Would have been more effective if the figure walked past the camera to signify the figure escaped.
@DigiAkuma 07-07-2023 06:05
#7 - Yes I admit at it's time it has such an effect. But it does look a little silly. Take away the noise at the Xenomorph's reveal, and he's like "Gimmie a Hug!"
@Oof891 12-04-2023 04:08
The most scariest jump scare is blue lobster 💀
@EndLess_Racket 03-01-2023 13:22
0:56 no, but I do remember him making the Sixth sense 😵
@redshark6998 10-12-2022 17:21
Man you think you could get me with that cheap “BOO” jumpscare😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭
@krasimirstoilov7251 10-11-2022 23:40
They are not scary....
@dinosaurwoman 17-10-2022 13:08
Se7en, when Victor, aka Sloth, is revealed to actually still be alive.
@FRyt9992 12-10-2022 03:19
Other honorable mentions:
1) Annie chasing Peter - Hereditary
2) Gray in the bedroom - Dark Skies
3) The Conjuring II - Valak surprises Bill & Valak coming out from the mirror (well, the movie itself is plnty of heart attack jump scares)
@gojizard704 12-09-2022 09:20
5:59....uhhh no the face and noise doesnt make a good jumpscare at all...
@alanasuze 20-08-2022 03:36
For me every The Conjuring franchise's movie had at least one memorable jumpscare!
@psychobaallll 14-07-2022 21:37
Rip your soul out from evil dead.??
But i found it scary when she was burning. She was more funny when she yelled😂
@cooperbourke7717 09-07-2022 22:13
I would say the other scene from 'Jaws' where Hooper goes underwater to investigate Ben Gardner's Wrecked Boat, and the head popping out just at the right moment to scare the crap out of the audience.

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