Hanukkah Table-Fine Living
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Discover creative ways to decorate for a terrific Hanukkah Celebration. This video is part of Sheila Bridges A Holiday show hosted by Sheila Bridges . SHOW DESCRIPTION :Interior designer Sheila Bridges brings her practical, forward-thinking design sense to the holidays! Fresh takes on holiday traditions-- including Hanukkah and Kwanzaa--- complete with design ideas for tree trimming, holiday decor, table settings and gift-wrapping. Plus, Bridges tours a Christmas tree farm to pick the perfect tree and cozies up on a winter picnic.
@armoniamg6750 26-12-2022 23:02
Absolutely beautiful
@fourcakers 23-10-2020 02:36
how do you feel about putting Christmas fir trees up? I am so against anything pagan, but love how they look...Maybe just straight tall ones with out ornaments? The bible says not to do as the heathens do decorating trees with silver and gold and place them inside..Hanukkah is so much more challenging to me as a decorating because I used to so love Christmas...so winter theme is what I do now. snow, pine cones, snowflakes, etc...
@TaylorAlisonSwif13 28-11-2013 02:54
god bless your soul sista. im jewish and all i see is christmas, christmas, christmas. this warms my soul knowing im not the only one alone in this battle. you are truley an insperation to me sista<3
@Marce169 21-11-2011 15:01
God bless you!
@lovelylouro 04-12-2009 06:51
Beautiful! And to add, my color scheme has changed over the years to suit my moods! One yr we did the darker, colbolt blues like these, but then decided to go in a completely different direction the next year by using gold's to decorate. Why not? Every family can customize and make it their own. This yr we're using an amazing peacock blue as the theme! =D