Street Workout World Championship 2012 on EUROSPORT 2

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Watch the brand new Eurosport 2 video highlights of the 2nd Street Workout World Championship organized by World Street Workout Federation (WSWF) and supported by Latvian Railways (Latvijas Dzelzcels) and project The Championship was held in Riga, Latvia on August 4, 2012. Information about upcoming Street Workout events worldwide is available on the WSWF web site at and on WSWF Facebook page. The Federation is a non-governmental, non-profit organization which promotes the Street Workout worldwide.The Federation will continue the tradition of Street Workout World Championships and the next one will be in 2013 in Riga, Latvia. To qualify for the World Championship potential athletes must obtain top places in the official national competitions of their home country. The Federation reserves the right to ease qualification requirements for athletes from countries where the Street Workout movement is less developed. More information about qualification for World Championships will be published on WSWF web site. The Federation is currently working on launching annual Street Workout World Cup series starting from 2013. The World Cup events will be held in countries where the Street Workout movement is the most active, such us Russia, Ukraine, USA, Spain, Germany and others. More information will follow on WSWF web site.The Federation is also working on launching social events to promote the Street Workout movement worldwide, such as the Street Workout European Tour and Street Workout World Tour. The Tours will take place in different cities around many countries. Each event of the Tour will be organized as a festival for the whole city. It will have a spectacular Street Workout freestyle show presented by international team of world-class Street Workout athletes as well as activities and contests for the spectators. The events will be open to the whole family. More information will follow on WSWF web site. Street Workout is a new movement, but its popularity around the world is exploding. Each country where the Street Workout movement has become popular, but which is not yet a member state of the Federation, may join the Federation. The Federation is open to welcome new member states and member organizations. Visit our web site to apply, as well as to find out whether your country or organization has already joined the Federation. The Federation is also looking for a support for its upcoming events. Please contact us if your company or organization is interested to support the activity of the Federation.


@danielpayano4638 05-03-2017 06:20
@ShadoWCzech 11-01-2014 05:07
Fuck your pseudogymnastics, let's do REAL WORKOUT!
@djstehenyyc 28-08-2013 22:17
Yes I agree cant even believe it. before I started eating right it didn't matter how much I exercised my abs were still jello. Listen to this in a best female model 2012 exclusive interview she had mentioned about her strong abs with this 7 food items. you can watch out here
@sajithpni007 19-08-2013 03:48
Sure is right. even i was very sad since i workout well for abs but nothing was coming. Between I saw an interview with body building champion where he talks about 7 odd foods he eats to keep his abs hard. if you are serious go for it now
@Merse25 19-08-2013 03:48
Sure is right. even i was very sad since i workout well for abs but nothing was coming. Between I saw an interview with body building champion where he talks about 7 odd foods he eats to keep his abs hard. if you are serious go for it now
@Sterkan93 04-08-2013 02:26
Hannibal would eat them all up!
@Cepums31 02-08-2013 18:30
L A T V I A ! Tomorrow- Street Workout World Championship 2013
@yaroslav6569 15-07-2013 06:35
Ukrainians are cool!
@yoyoyoyou1 29-05-2013 07:19
To be honest hannibal for king can bring them water...
@androx4music 21-03-2013 08:50
очень понравилось! :) особенно с голосом комментатора из FIFA
@androx4music 21-03-2013 07:37
жаль качество слабовато
@M4st3rSch44f 17-03-2013 19:40
How tall is yevgeny kocherha? I want to do the humanflag like ge does and im wondering if it is possible with 1,83m I can do the normal humanflag for about 4seconds
@JimeasLegend 10-02-2013 19:43
very hard! 14:00
@BrandonDiaz 16-01-2013 07:00
I wonder if Jim Bathurst could kick some serious ass in here...
@eptedva 28-12-2012 03:50
Русичи всем показали "кузькину мать"! мир, братья
@lucasloco797 27-11-2012 00:07
Where is Hannibal??
@LIVSBchanel 23-11-2012 20:21
No. Last time in Riga on August. Ar center of Riga on square of Riga central rail station
@TheMokozan 22-11-2012 02:16
@drugsonflyers 21-11-2012 23:43
Next 2013 world championship will be in France
@DanielDvir6 20-11-2012 04:49

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