Joe Frazier's funeral with Rev Jesse Jackson (Eurosport 2 News coverage)
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This piece first broadcast on 15 Nov 2011. Televised on UK's satellite television Eurosport 2 News.
@gymer15 26-11-2011 03:47
if howard cosell was still alive he could say...down goes frazier
@ChampCarforlife 21-11-2011 15:53
RIP Smokin Joe!
@XxJontoxX 20-11-2011 04:20
@MrSuperdrunk123 18-11-2011 23:38
@lemsta123 do you ever watch the news?
@lemsta123 18-11-2011 22:47
OMG I didn't even know he passed away !........ R.I.P, You were such a legend of a boxer !
@GeorgeVreelandHill 16-11-2011 15:00
RIP Joe.
You will always be the champ.
George Vreeland Hill